How to open multiple account browsers

Time: 2024-05-21 19:06 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:
In today's society, many operations are inseparable from computers, and some even require multiple accounts to operate. So, can I log in to multiple accounts on one computer? Can I use multiple accounts to log in to the browser?
During normal use, if you only have one browser and need to use different accounts, you need to constantly switch accounts, which not only consumes energy but is also error-prone. Users cannot log in with multiple accounts on the same browser at the same time. For e-commerce companies that operate multiple accounts, if the platform does not allow the same computer to log in to multiple accounts, there is a risk that the accounts will be related, and in serious cases, the account will be blocked.
How do you implement so many account opening browsers?
BitBrowser uses simulated browser hardware configuration information to replace the way multiple computers operate and provides browser fingerprint protection. Cookie files, local storage and cache files are completely isolated, and the configured file information is also completely independent and cannot be accessed from each other, which can better help e-commerce users solve the trouble of operating multiple accounts.