How to protect your store during Amazon account scanning, variant violation rescue guide

Time: 2024-05-24 10:08 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:
Recently, the merchant community on the Amazon platform has encountered a rare storm. On May 11, a stringent rectification operation against variant violations suddenly hit many businesses, as if they were hit by a bolt from the blue, and a large number of businesses seemed to be in a quagmire that was difficult to break out of. However, what is unexpected is that Amazon then showed its warm side and began to gradually unlock the accounts of merchants who had been blocked by mistake.

What is an "violating abuse variant"?

Variations is an ingenious design that allows sellers to display different aspects of a product - whether color, size or style - on one product page, which greatly improves consumers' shopping convenience and experience. However, just like any function has two sides, the variant function is also used by some sellers to obtain improper benefits. This is the so-called "violation and abuse of variants".

Why is Amazon attacking hard?

As a leader in e-commerce, Amazon has always been committed to providing consumers with a fair and transparent shopping environment. Illegal and abusive variants will not only disrupt the market order, but also cause confusion and mislead consumers, thereby affecting Amazon's reputation and user experience. Therefore, Amazon decided to take decisive measures to crack down on illegal and abusive variants to maintain the fairness of its platform and user trust.

Illegal merger variants: Where are Amazon’s red lines?

In Amazon’s rules, illegal merged variants are a clear no-go zone. So what would be considered a violation of merge variants?
First, we need to clarify Amazon’s official definition of compliant variants: product information must be accurate, the products are basically the same, share the same name, the classification supports variant themes, and only the variant theme attributes differ (such as color, size, etc.). At the same time, there should be no difference between old and new versions of variant products, otherwise it is more suitable to use the New Version function to associate them.

Next, let’s take a look at what behaviors will be considered violations:

Zombie link merging: Some sellers try to revive links that have lost their vitality (i.e. zombie links) and gain more reviews by merging them. This behavior not only deceives consumers, but also undermines fair competition in the market.
Category mash-up: Combining products from different categories into one variant, trying to increase sales by sharing reviews. This behavior completely deviates from the original intention of the variant and seriously misleads consumers.
Repeated creation of variations: In order to obtain more exposure opportunities, some sellers create the same product multiple times into different variation groups. This not only wastes platform resources, but also affects the rights and interests of other sellers.
Inconsistent attributes: When modifying the parent product details page, no attention was paid to maintaining consistency with the child product attributes, causing confusion among consumers.
Fictitious variant attributes: In order to attract consumers' attention, some sellers will manually add non-existent attributes as variant attributes. This behavior seriously misleads consumers.
Confusion of old and new versions: Merging links to new and old products in an attempt to increase sales of new products through reviews of old products. Not only is this unfair to consumers, it also damages the reputation of older products.
Malicious splitting of variants: In order to improve the rating star rating of the overall variant, some sellers will split sub-variants with lower ratings. Once such behavior is discovered by the platform, severe penalties will be imposed.

What does it mean that some sellers have recently unblocked them?

These unblocked merchants did not implement any special actions, but Amazon took the initiative to review and correct them. This change made merchants feel as if they had seen the dawn of dawn. They all lamented: "I thought there was no hope, but I didn't expect that there would be a turning point." However, some merchants also reported: "Although the account has been unblocked, but before The product link is gone, and I am currently busy communicating with the Amazon logistics team to gradually restore inventory.”
In response to this unblocking move, some analysts pointed out that Amazon may have realized that there was a misjudgment in the inspection process. The inventory model that Amazon has always adopted that combines machines and humans is indeed difficult to completely avoid the occurrence of misjudgment. Amazon’s intention this time is to warn merchants to comply with the regulations and to deter merchants who violate regulations. After the merchants make corrections on their own, Amazon will review the mistakenly blocked merchants. As long as the merchants do not commit serious or repeated violations, Amazon will unblock them.

The cleanup is still going on. How can sellers protect their stores?

After the unblocking, Amazon has not stopped rectification, but is about to launch a more comprehensive cleanup operation. This cleanup will last until the end of the year, and merchants must remain vigilant at all times. Although some accounts have been unblocked, merchants still face many problems. The most critical issues are the loss of product links and 8040 errors.
In response to these problems, industry insiders have given a series of suggestions. First of all, merchants need to find the option of "Repair the Amazon information inventory that is not on sale" as soon as possible, click "Refresh the reason why there is no information on sale", and then re-upload the product. Secondly, for the problem of 8040 error reporting, merchants can try to merge products first to see if they can succeed; if not, they can consider launching new products or contact customer service to appeal.
Some merchants have reported encountering the problem of 8036 error reporting. This is often due to the addition of a human review team to the platform, resulting in accounts being internally flagged and locked on all variants for 30 days. In response to this situation, merchants need to wait patiently for the review results and actively cooperate with the platform's requirements.

In order to prevent the account from being affected again, isolating the store is also a very important security measure.

In order to avoid being affected by Amazon account scanning again, it is also very important to isolate unblocked stores and good accounts respectively. We have launched a very innovative solution - a multi-account browser to overcome Difficulties faced by multi-account management. Browsers like BitBrowser have strong capabilities and can fully simulate and change various browser features, such as user agent (User-Agent), IP address, Canvas rendering, font style, plug-in status, etc. , giving each Amazon account a unique online identity.

1. Multi-account independent isolation environment

BitBrowser not only configures a unique user agent and screen resolution for each account, but can also simulate the behavior of different operating systems and devices to achieve true account isolation. This design effectively guarantees the independence and non-traceability of each account in cyberspace.

2. Significantly reduce account-related risks

With BitBrowser, you can successfully manage multiple Amazon accounts without worrying about account association issues caused by similar device fingerprints. Each account has its own unique environmental characteristics, ensuring that all operations do not affect each other, thus greatly reducing the risk of accounts being associated.

3. Optimize account management process

BitBrowser provides a convenient and fast account switching function, allowing you to easily manage multiple accounts without frequent login and logout. This feature not only improves the efficiency of account management, but also saves you valuable time and energy.

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In order to meet the needs of different cross-border e-commerce platforms, BitBrowser supports a variety of proxy network configurations. Whether you need to connect to a proxy server in the United States, Europe or Asia, you can do it easily. This function ensures that each account can be seamlessly connected with e-commerce platforms such as Amazon through the most suitable network environment.


The Amazon platform is a place full of opportunities and challenges. Merchants need to continue to learn and adapt to the rules and changes of the platform in order to succeed on this platform. I hope that all merchants can continue to develop and grow in the future, while protecting Amazon. Among store security solutions, BitBrowser is also the choice of most sellers. Download BitBrowser now and get 10 permanent free windows immediately.