How to solve Amazon IP association problem using SEO tool browser

Time: 2024-06-18 10:00 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:
First of all, you should know that IP association is a very common problem on Amazon's e-commerce platform. So, what is IP association? Simply put, Amazon will determine whether two accounts belong to the same person based on the IP address. If multiple accounts are found to use the same IP address, Amazon will trigger risk control, resulting in the account being banned.
However, BitBrowser can easily solve this problem. BitBrowser can help users create multiple independent browser environments. Each environment has its own browser fingerprint and IP address, which means that you can perform various operations on Amazon as if you were operating on different devices without being recognized as the same person by the system, thus avoiding the occurrence of IP association problems.
In addition, BitBrowser can also help you avoid other risk controls, such as cookie association and device fingerprinting. Simply download and install BitBrowser and create multiple browser environments as needed to easily solve the Amazon IP association problem.
In general, SEO Tool Browser is very practical for solving Amazon IP association problems. BitBrowser provides a range of features and protections that allow you to perform various operations on Amazon with more confidence.