Multi-account browser helps you solve the problem of IP association of multiple Shopee stores

Time: 2024-07-27 17:11 Author: BitBrowser Click:
multi-account browser
As a seller operating a Shopee store, have you encountered the problem of IP association of multiple Shopee stores? The Shopee platform regards multiple stores on the same IP as associated stores, which may lead to serious consequences such as store delisting or account ban. In this article, we will share the application skills of the multi-account browser in solving the IP association problem of multiple Shopee stores, hoping to help sellers who encounter similar problems.
1. Understand the IP association problem
First of all, you need to understand the Shopee IP association problem. On the Shopee platform, multiple stores with the same IP are very likely to be regarded as associated stores. Stores may be identified as illegal operations and face risks such as delisting and account suspension. For sellers who operate multiple stores or work in teams, how to avoid IP association problems is an important challenge.
2. Application skills of multi-account browser
Next, let's discuss the application skills of the multi-account browser-BitBrowser in solving the Shopee IP association problem. BitBrowser simulates multiple operating system environments and browser fingerprints to create an independent browser environment for each store to avoid IP association risks. Sellers can use BitBrowser to log in to multiple Shopee accounts at the same time. Each account has an independent IP address and browser fingerprint to avoid being identified as an associated store by Shopee.
3. Anti-association skills
Finally, share some anti-association techniques to help sellers further avoid IP association problems. First, according to different product types and team collaboration, reasonably allocate accounts and stores to different fingerprint browser environments. Secondly, change IP addresses regularly to avoid the same IP operating multiple stores for a long time. In addition, be careful not to log in to different stores on the same device to avoid being identified as an associated operation by Shopee.
In summary, the multi-account browser provides merchants with a feasible solution as an effective tool to solve the Shopee IP association problem. By correctly applying the multi-account browser, sellers can effectively avoid IP association problems and ensure the normal operation of Shopee platform stores.