Multi-account browser Multi-account anti-association and anti-blocking ensures the safety of enterprise operations

Time: 2024-07-27 16:44 Author: BitBrowser Click:
Multi-account browser
Multi-account operation is a common and necessary marketing strategy for enterprises. Cross-border e-commerce sellers sell different categories of products through multiple accounts, and social media marketers use multiple accounts to reach a wider audience. However, as major platforms strengthen account security reviews, multi-account operation faces increasing challenges.
Account association refers to the situation where the platform identifies multiple accounts as belonging to the same user or the same operation team. The platform considers the associated account to be risky and takes restrictive measures, such as reducing the account weight or blocking the account. Account blocking is blocking the account due to violation of platform rules or other reasons, resulting in the loss of all account data and functions, causing significant losses to the enterprise.
In order to avoid account association and account blocking, enterprises must adopt effective anti-association and anti-blocking strategies. Here are some practical suggestions:
1. Use different devices and network environments
Each account must use a separate device and network environment, such as a computer, IP address, etc. Avoid logging in to multiple accounts on the same device or using multiple accounts in the same network environment.
2. Create different account information
The information in each account must be true, credible, and not obviously related to other accounts. For example, use different names, avatars, addresses, phone numbers, or other information.
3. Do not use the same login method
Do not use the same username, password, email address or other login method to register and log in to multiple accounts. You can use different password managers to manage passwords for different accounts.
4. Comply with platform rules
Carefully read and comply with the terms of service and user agreements of each platform to avoid violating platform rules. For example, do not post false information or conduct spam marketing.
5. Use professional anti-association tools
There are many professional anti-association tools on the market that make it easier for companies to manage multiple accounts. These tools can simulate various devices and network environments and provide automated account management functions. BitBrowser is a good choice. It can simulate real browser fingerprints, including Canvas, WebRTC, time zone, language, etc., making your account safer. In addition, BitBrowser also supports browser batch creation, cookie import and export and other functions to facilitate the management of multiple accounts.
In general, managing multiple accounts requires companies to adopt cautious strategies to avoid account association and account blocking. I hope these suggestions can help you better manage multiple accounts and reduce account risks.