How to avoid account suspension on Shopee? The solution used by big sellers

Time: 2024-08-05 14:21 Author: BitBrowser Click:
How to prevent multiple Shopee stores from being associated
In the key strategy for the smooth development of the Shopee platform, eliminating ID association occupies a core position. It is closely related to the stability and long-term robustness of merchants' stores. The situation of ID association refers to the platform using cutting-edge algorithms to identify and determine that there are abnormal connections between multiple stores, which may trigger security reviews or even store restrictions and bans. In view of this, merchants need to implement a set of forward-looking protection and isolation measures.

1. Shape a unique identity architecture for accounts

Each Shopee store needs to have exclusive registration information, such as a unique email address, a separate phone number, etc., to ensure that it does not share identity information with any other store on the platform. When registering a new store, you must use brand new information that has not been verified by the Shopee platform to cut off possible association channels from the very beginning.

2. Focus on enhancing the autonomy of store operation and management.

The most ideal situation is that each store is managed by a separate operation team to prevent overlap and overlap of management resources. If resources are limited and multiple stores need to be centrally managed, a strict isolation strategy should be implemented, covering physical and logical isolation in terms of operating environment, data flow, etc., to ensure the independence and clarity of operating activities between stores.

3. Do a good job in product planning

Merchants should avoid directly copying product information between multiple stores, including product details, pictures, etc., to avoid being identified as related signals by the system. On the contrary, the description and display of products should be developed in a personalized manner based on the target customer groups and brand positioning of each store, and the degree of differentiation between stores should be increased to reduce the risk of being identified as related stores.
How to prevent association among multiple stores on Shopee
4. Firmly abide by compliant operations
Merchants need to deeply understand and strictly follow the various regulations and policies of the Shopee platform, and resolutely eliminate any form of fraud, false propaganda, infringement and other illegal behaviors. Creating and maintaining a good business reputation can not only promote the healthy development of stores, but also is an important line of defense against external risks and ensure store safety.

5. Establishing a mechanism for regular review and monitoring is an important step in maintaining store safety.

Merchants should regularly update the store's registration information and operating information to ensure that they are accurate and meet the requirements of the platform. At the same time, strengthen the monitoring and analysis of store operation data, promptly detect and deal with abnormal situations and potential risk points, and ensure the continuity and stability of store operations.

6. Use BitBrowser to Eliminate Possibility of Association

From the perspective of technical prevention, merchants can consider introducing advanced anti-association technical means, such as fingerprint browsers. Such tools simulate various browser environments to create a unique "digital fingerprint" for each account, effectively isolate the operation traces and data exchanges between each account, and add a protective barrier to store security.
As the company continues to expand its business areas, you may be in a situation where you need to perform fine operations, such as independently controlling multiple Shopee store systems for specific markets or business areas. In this process, the possible association between stores has become a problem that must be taken seriously.
Shopee will use cutting-edge technology to monitor store activities for security purposes. If the connection between stores is detected based on the common characteristics of the devices, the similarity of the browser features, and other factors, the security mechanism may be activated to restrict or even suspend the store services. This is undoubtedly a huge obstacle to the operation of overseas e-commerce companies, which may cause stagnation of the supply chain and financial losses.
It can be seen that it is extremely important to create a store management model that is both efficient and highly secure. The focus is to completely block all possible traceable connections between stores to prevent potential risks. Fortunately, tools designed specifically to resolve such problems have emerged in the market, such as the BitBrowser, which has become a powerful helper for overseas e-commerce managers with its unique advantages.
BitBrowser is not just an ordinary browser, but a solution carefully designed for the safe operation of multiple stores. It can configure a completely independent virtual browser environment for each Shopee store, which includes a unique browser fingerprint, isolated storage space, etc., to ensure that the operation of each store is as if it is carried out on an independent device, significantly reducing the possibility of the store being associated.
In addition, BitBrowser also gives users the right to deeply customize browser fingerprints, covering many aspects such as user agent strings, screen resolution, Canvas rendering, system fonts, browser plug-ins, etc., so that each store can accurately simulate the characteristics of different devices or operating systems, thereby achieving complete "anonymity" at the technical level.
In response to the needs of large-scale store management, BitBrowser has the functions of batch creation, importing and managing stores, which greatly improves operational efficiency and allows overseas e-commerce operators to calmly cope with the challenges brought by the sharp increase in the number of stores. Its simple, clear and intuitive user interface design further reduces the difficulty of operation. Even personnel without technical background can quickly get started and achieve efficient management of multiple stores.


In the process of seeking business expansion, Shopee merchants must pay great attention to the issue of ID association, and build a solid store security fortress through the implementation of a series of comprehensive prevention and response measures to lay a solid foundation for the long-term development of the store. With its outstanding functions and convenient user experience, BitBrowser provides strong store management support for overseas e-commerce companies in the complex and ever-changing market environment, helping companies to develop steadily and seize the initiative in market competition.