TikTok US local store settlement process sharing, TikTok US sellers need to know

Time: 2024-09-07 18:18 Author: BitBrowser Click:
TikTok's US store
In the context of the current digital wave sweeping the world, entering TikTok's local store in the United States has become one of the key strategies for many merchants to expand their online business territory. In order to successfully start this journey, merchants need to carefully prepare a series of pre-conditions and conditions.
The first task is to ensure that you have an internationally accepted email account, such as Outlook or Gmail, as the main channel for registration and daily communication. Next, the equipment of US bank cards and dual-currency credit cards is indispensable. The former is used to receive sales proceeds, and the latter is responsible for paying the listing fee for each product listing. The current standard is set at US$0.2 per listing.
In addition, merchants must carefully prepare product information, including high-quality pictures of at least 1-3 products for uploading and display. At the same time, in order to avoid account association risks and meet IP detection requirements, a US residential IP address has become a must. During the application process, the US Social Security Number (SSN) is an important certificate for approval, and the real US address and mobile phone number are used in the registration verification link to ensure the authenticity and legitimacy of the identity. Considering tax compliance, merchants also need to prepare 1099K forms for store tax payment.
In terms of logistics layout, merchants need to choose between virtual warehouses and real overseas warehouses to build an efficient and flexible delivery logistics system, and set up corresponding logistics templates accordingly.

Overview of TikTok US Store Registration Process:

Visit the registration portal: First, visit the official registration page of TikTok Store to officially start the registration process.
Select the market: Clearly define the target market as the United States, and prepare possible invitation codes (if the market requires this) to accelerate the settlement process.
Qualification submission: Upload relevant qualification documents of the company and legal person, and show successful operation experience on other e-commerce platforms, including store ratings and praise rates, to prove business strength.
Complete store information: Creatively name the store, bind the TikTok account to enhance brand linkage, clarify the main product categories, and accurately fill in the warehouse information to build a complete store profile.
During the operation process, with the help of advanced tools such as BitBrowser, merchants can easily achieve secure management of multiple accounts. The Bitbrowser's anti-association technology creates an independent browser environment for each account, effectively avoiding the problem of account association that may occur when using a US residential IP.
Even more exciting is that the RPA (robotic process automation) function of the Bitbrowser can automatically perform a number of daily operational tasks, such as batch uploading of product images, instant update of inventory information, and automatic reply to customer inquiries, which greatly improves operational efficiency and accuracy, allowing merchants to focus more on the development of their core businesses.
In summary, although opening a TikTok local store in the United States involves a series of complex preliminary preparations and registration processes, by making reasonable use of efficient tools such as the Bitbrowser, merchants can not only simplify processes and improve efficiency, but also open a new chapter of e-commerce full of opportunities and challenges in one of the most dynamic e-commerce markets in the world - the United States.