How to prevent Amazon multi-store association? Can e-commerc

Time: 2023-01-28 18:53 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:


In the past two years, Amazon's risk management technology has improved, and its operating strategy must also be upgraded accordingly. If you are not careful, your store may face a "catastrophe". In this article, I would like to share the skills and experience of anti-association between the seller's account and the store, as well as the factors that lead to the association.
          1. Multiple account login and IP environment isolation
         The link between hardware and IP networking is a well-known correlating factor. Computer hardware parameters, browser fingerprints, etc. may be the main criteria for judging account relationships. Due to technical problems, one IP may log in to multiple different accounts at the same time, resulting in the association between accounts. Therefore, when applying for account login, you must pay attention to the proxy IP and hardware isolation between each account. In the previous method, we used a separate computer to create an independent external network IP. However, the cost is too high. The emergence of e-commerce browsers in China has solved this problem at a low cost in the past few years. Bit fingerprint browsers can be used, which have cookie isolation and browser fingerprint modification (equivalent to hardware parameter modification) functions. Can 100% generate an independent computer environment.
          2. Prepare multiple registration materials
         When registering on major e-commerce websites, please prepare multiple irrelevant application materials to avoid duplication of registration information such as company name, company address, company phone number, and email address.
          3. Do not make your account and password information the same
         If you manage multiple Amazon accounts, the similarity of archived accounts and passwords may draw the attention of risk managers.
          4. Do not log in with mobile devices such as mobile phones and iPads
         Generally speaking, as long as the proxy IP address does not change much, you can work on another computer, or even several different computers. look the same. However, logging in with multiple different phones or iPads doesn't match the day-to-day application logic. After all, most people don't have that many mobile devices.
          5. Browser fingerprints must be different
         I am not very familiar with this concept of everyone who browses device fingerprints. After all, the websites that really master browser fingerprinting technology are all large websites, and generally smaller websites do not record fingerprints. Therefore, you must use the anti-association browser to separate cookies and change your fingerprint information so that your browser fingerprint will not be recognized by Amazon.
          6. Don't register an account with a multi-shareholder company license
         Most overseas platforms include a review of the company's shareholder information, such as Amazon's KYC review of the European station, where shareholders register a new account after joining the store account. These store accounts are more likely to be linked. Therefore, we recommend that Amazon buyer and seller accounts be registered with companies registered with independent shareholders. This effectively prevents account linking due to cross shareholder information.
          7. Try to avoid similar products
         Store products must avoid selling the same product in multiple stores, even if the products in 10 stores are basically the same, especially if the store has problems. Maintain a constant ratio of new products. Different stores selling different categories of products is also a solution.
          8. Avoid excessive repetition of product information
         The duplicate content of products in each seller's store should not exceed 40% of all products across stores, and the same set of detail pages should not be used for storage. After all, Amazon's image recognition technology is already very clear and relevant. It is also true that the content of the product descriptions may not be exactly the same.
          9. Product registration remains unchanged
         Store brand registration must use the same brand registration information, and the contact information for each registered product must match the registered trademark and merchant store information.
          10. Avoid the same shipping information from multiple stores
         When shipping from multiple Amazon stores, avoid using the same shipping address and the same shipper that Amazon can easily find.
          11. Try not to bring the same bank account, Paypal and other collection methods, do not collect money from multiple accounts, and avoid the payment process.
         Generally speaking, e-commerce browsers only exist as auxiliary tools for cross-border operations and unbundling, and their functions are relatively limited. BitFingerprint even has its own limitations as a browser.
         The Bit Fingerprint Browser continues to improve the ecological content of the Bit Fingerprint Browser. At present, the ecological environment of the BitFingerprint browser contains many colorful and practical operation tools, providing the greatest support for sellers in terms of operation.