What is a super browser, BitBrowser fingerprint analysis! !

Time: 2023-01-30 18:48 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:
         What is a super browser? A super browser is a special browser, a multi-account security browser for cross-border e-commerce. Cross-border e-commerce sellers can access multiple websites and multiple cross-border e-commerce platforms through a super browser, which will not cause multiple accounts to be related to each other. The main principle of the super browser is that the super browser provides a completely isolated login environment for each account through the fingerprint environment and dedicated IP equipment, and technically isolates the core of the reading area to prevent the fingerprint information of multiple accounts from being the same.
         Strictly speaking, both the super browser and the fingerprint reader can be used for multi-account operations of cross-border e-commerce, and then play a role in preventing correlation. However, in terms of technology, there are differences between fingerprint browsers and super browsers. In terms of use value, the functions of super browsers will be more comprehensive, so users can choose according to their own characteristics when choosing.
          In the super browser market, some super browsers have a good user experience, such as Feisuo browser, which is an IDC and a professional cloud service provider, with high-quality and rich IP resources, more fingerprint protection, and still cost-effective. It is quite high. It is worth choosing!
         At present, the technology of super browsers is relatively mature. If there are any differences between different brands, you can try it out according to your actual needs, and then decide which browser to buy.
         As one of the fingerprint browsers, Bitbrowser can truly realize the isolation environment and match with stable IP to simulate different scenarios. It can be widely used in cross-border e-commerce, and can prevent the anti-association and being blocked of accounts. The risk of closure. At the same time, it is also the only super browser with high cost performance among peer fingerprint browsers. At the same time, the price is affordable, the form of stable online status can be combined with each other in different operation scenarios, multi-account login, employee allocation, social media marketing and other forms of operation, and the built-in ERP technology can realize multiple accounts. While logging in, it can realize registration in batches and realize complex links.