What is Fingerprint Browser? What is the important role for

Time: 2023-02-07 14:04 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:
fingerprint browser
Today, cross-border e-commerce is still a high-demand industry. When some people drop out, more people want to join and share their share. The importance of fingerprint browsers in cross-border e-commerce operations has gradually emerged. If you also want to get involved in cross-border e-commerce, first you need to understand what is a fingerprint browser and why is it important for cross-border e-commerce?
When you use a browser to browse and log in to our store, Amazon will collect your relevant software and hardware information through js scripts, such as browser version, kernel, CPU type, IP address used, etc. This data is your browser's fingerprint. Browser fingerprinting can be used to identify visiting users. In other words, Amazon judges whether multiple accounts are managed by the same person by comparing these data.
The fingerprint browser can solve this problem: After using the fingerprint browser, users can change their browser fingerprint through the fingerprint browser, so that even if they use the same browser to log in to the store, they will not be detected.
Recommended Fingerprint Browser: Bit Fingerprint Browser
Different from the browsers commonly used by ordinary users, the BitFingerprint browser is more suitable for cross-border e-commerce users to associate multiple accounts.
Advantage 1: Multiple accounts (same channel/different channel) can log in to the same computer
The browsers we use every day require that if you log in to multiple accounts, you must log out of the current account to log in to the next one. Bit fingerprint browsers can log in to different accounts at the same time.
Advantage 2: Binding IP proxy IP is more stable
If the IP address of each login is different, the platform will judge that the account has a login risk and conduct a risk assessment. The more the platform values us, the more likely it is that we will be blocked. Because after the BitFingerprint browser binds your IP, the IP for each login is the same and will not change, so it is more secure.