Bitbrowser Fingerprint: Manage multiple Amazon account anti-

Time: 2023-02-25 11:04 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:
BitBrowser  Fingerprin
Why do I need multiple Amazon seller accounts?
Having multiple accounts can increase your ability to withstand unknown risks. When dealing with customers, if there is an emergency in your account, you can use another account to receive orders and continue the transaction, which protects the rights and interests of both customers and sellers. Customers can still get what they want, and sellers won't lose money because their accounts fail.
So how to manage the anti-association of multiple Amazon seller accounts?
Are you worried about how to improve efficiency with multiple Amazon seller accounts?
1. Use multiple computers/browsers
This is a very traditional approach. It's very effective, but also very cumbersome. If you have hundreds of computers and each computer has only one account, it can definitely solve the problem of not being able to manage them at the same time.
But do you really have the money to buy that many computers? This method is only suitable for people with two Amazon seller accounts.
2. Use plug-ins
Using plugins for account management is another way to try. Searching for the keyword "account" will give you the solution in the browser store. However, plug-ins are programs and are not suitable for large-scale, high-volume use.
3. Use a virtual browser
A virtual browser might be the answer. Virtual Browser uses virtual technology to create thousands of unique computers for Amazon sellers. Not only do you save money on using multiple computers at the same time, but it also provides other services.
These services are related to the security of your Amazon seller account. A lot of people with multiple Amazon seller accounts don't understand why they got banned, and there are a lot of great products in Virtual Explorer to solve these problems.
Why were multiple Amazon seller accounts banned?
Multiple Amazon seller accounts were banned because they were linked to each other. The crackdown began after it was found on Amazon that the store was owned by the same person. Therefore, if you open multiple store accounts, in addition to the above different registration information, you must also follow the following practices:
Use a different and clean IP address
Different IP addresses deny that the stores belong to the same person, avoiding account linking. At the same time, we recommend purchasing a dedicated clean IP address to prevent illegal operations using this IP in the past.
Use different management modes
When posting product information, do not use the same image for each account, diversify your products as much as possible and use different shipping addresses.
Use fixed devices and do not allow duplication between accounts
Please pin each account so that it can run on an independent device, account cross-login will also cause association.
The best virtual browser to manage multiple Amazon seller accounts.
As an excellent virtual browser, Bit Fingerprint Browser has helped more than 100,000 cross-border users avoid account association problems!
BitBrowser  Fingerprint provides Amazon sellers with numerous unique computers and powerful agents to securely log into all their accounts without interference. At the same time, the powerful team sharing function also supports multiple people to operate at the same time, which is very suitable for large-scale operations.