What are the advantages of fingerprint browsers in e-commerc

Time: 2023-03-11 18:04 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:
fingerprint browsers
First of all, to do cross-border e-commerce, you must use a fingerprint browser to prevent association and other operations. This is to save manpower, material resources, time and cost. Of course, when choosing an anti-fingerprint browser, the following points must be analyzed.
1. Is the environment independent?
Different environments have different fingerprints, different addresses and other conditions. This is what the browser says needs to simulate different environments, and it plays an important role in the operation.
2. Fingerprint noise reduction
The browser can also implement fingerprint noise reduction while simulating different environments, so that the environments are always isolated and independent from each other.
3. Multi-opening with one key
There are many similar fingerprint browsers on the market. In order to prevent association, they do roughly the same thing, but we may have overlooked one point when dealing with social media. It will open multiple windows for anti-association operations, similar to fb registration, etc. This reflects the importance of anti-association.
4. Agent recommendation
A good browser comes with a good proxy ip recommendation. Judging from the total number of users, experience, and overall comparison, a proxy that provides high-quality services will serve as a guarantee for subsequent cross-border business and social media operations.
5. High cost performance
In terms of cost performance, there are also free fingerprint browsers on the market, but anyone who has used them knows the reason, that is, the structure is single, the number of environments is limited, and the functions are limited, etc., and there is a certain degree of incompleteness in terms of technology maturity and guarantee. . To sum up, the bit fingerprint browser has all these features. It simulates different fingerprint environments, reduces fingerprint noise, and as an anti-association browser, multi-window, one-click multi-window, can be applied to different environments, avoiding associated accounts, Stores, etc., can only achieve anti-association when an independent address is generated and the state is stable.