How does the fingerprint browser implement multi-account ope

Time: 2023-03-11 18:10 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:

1. Substitution operation
It is safer for multi-account merchants to choose multi-person operations. Operators can be changed during basic background operations if conditions do not permit. For example, if a company has 8 accounts, you can recruit colleagues within the company to do simple background management, and Amazon's background will naturally not find that your accounts are related.
2. Correct use of IP, router, system, server (physical separation and VPS separation), etc.
Multi-account sellers follow the principle that one computer, one server, one system, and one IP can only correspond to one account.
Two isolation methods:
soft isolation
Anti-association fingerprint browser
The anti-association fingerprint browser represented by the bit fingerprint browser replaces the multitasking browser on multiple computers, and uses the simulated browser hardware configuration file to realize browser fingerprint protection, each browser file cookie, local storage and other caches The files are completely independent, and the browser configuration files are completely independent of each other and cannot access each other. Multiple proprietary fingerprint browsers, each fingerprint browser is isolated from each other, each browser configuration file is a different computer, plus switching different IPs, the result is different computers in different regions.
The anti-association fingerprint browser uses virtualization technology to create thousands of unique computers for Amazon sellers, you can not only save the cost of using multiple computers at the same time, but also provide other services.
These services are all about the security of your Amazon seller account, and many people with multiple Amazon seller accounts don't understand why they are banned, even though they have multiple stores at the same time.
VPS anti-association
VPS anti-association represented by VPS manager. VPS can be understood as a remote computer. You remotely control it through your own computer and operate Amazon and other platforms on it. At this time, Amazon and other platforms cannot detect your local computer. If the network and local client environment of your VPS are detected, your VPS has not changed, and you log in to this account directly, this problem will be completely solved. If you use multiple accounts to log in, you need to purchase multiple VPSs, but fixing the behavior of each VPS can solve the problem of multiple account login operations.
2. Physical isolation
Single cable and single access account. In other words, one computer, one account, one IP, this is the safest and most effective method, and 100% of the accounts in the Amazon background will not find the account association. !
Generally, physical isolation is performed first, followed by soft isolation.
3. Collection account number
1. A bank card only supports one account, unless it is a bank card that supports multiple accounts, it will not be bound.
3. You can use Lianlian or Pingpong with multiple accounts, corresponding to multiple accounts.
Amazon's background only recognizes bank card numbers. This is because the account numbers are different and the cardholders are the same. There is no evidence of linked accounts, because there are many people with the same name in China!
European websites are more strictly reviewed than American websites, requiring more information, and must be the same payee, cardholder and beneficiary.
Please use Amazon with confidence after understanding the above content. Association is the most basic and important, but also the simplest. As long as you handle the relationship between the associations, you can focus on Amazon operations, which is the most important part of Amazon!
By the way, let me popularize the knowledge of virtual credit cards here.
1. Virtual credit cards can be used as a way to provide payment information when opening US accounts in batches.
2. When the seller verifies your account information, he must show his ID card and passport.
Amazon found issues with their store, and when the store was closed, the account was also frozen, which meant that the funds could not be moved.
When to use a virtual credit card:
1. Early stage of opening
If you haven't applied for a credit card yet, you can use a virtual credit card during the transition period.
2. Short-term operation
Amazon pays merchants every 14 days, and the virtual credit card can be withdrawn as a short-term operation, valid for 14 days.
Correctly prevent account association to realize effective multi-account management, and you can also become an excellent seller!