How to prevent association of multiple Instagram accounts?

Time: 2023-03-16 17:18 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:
fingerprint browser
Instagram has more than 1 billion monthly active users worldwide, and Instagram plays an increasingly important role in our lives. It can also be said that browsing Instagram and sharing life have become an indispensable part of our lives. Faced with such huge traffic and business opportunities, cross-border sellers are also paying more and more attention to the importance of social media operations and promotion of brands going overseas.
Although Instagram is not allowed to operate multiple accounts under one IP, in order to better develop the business and gain more exposure for the product, the seller usually registers multiple accounts to operate, just like other social media such as Facebook, anti-correlation is every It is a problem that must be paid attention to by all operations. Since the violation is not only a problem of one account, it will be related to the operation of other multiple accounts. Today’s article will focus on how we need to prevent it from appearing when operating multiple Instagram accounts. Account-related situations.
1: The simplest and most direct is the physical defense
What is physical security related? To put it simply, it is to buy multiple devices, computers or mobile phones, in order to provide each account with an independent ip and device information. It is also necessary to pull a broadband for each device and set up independent network information. It has to be said that the Internet is very powerful, and he can find out the connection between accounts through various channels. This kind of anti-correlation method is that the effect is the best, and the disadvantage is that the cost is too high and it is too troublesome. Therefore, this method is gradually being replaced.
2: BitBrowser
For example, the bit fingerprint browser, which is very popular in the cross-border field, and most cross-border e-commerce sellers know this website, the browser can recommend IP to each account, and can change network information and device information , Just switch the device before switching the account, ip can be used, compared with physical defense, the cost is relatively low, the operation is not troublesome, the fingerprint is pure, and the real machine environment is constantly simulated, physical information or device information, etc., proxy IP is the most important thing, and he also has strict requirements for the purity of fingerprints, and it is also a problem that needs to be solved most.