Why Do We Need an Antidetect Browser?

Time: 2023-03-29 16:19 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:

Antidetect browser
There are many dishonest people in the world who engage in fraudulent activities and pose a serious threat to both companies and individual users. Internet privacy and security issues remain of paramount importance to a global audience. While professionals recognize problems and new solutions emerge, nothing can guarantee 100% reliability. Every move has a reaction, and this "game of chase" goes on year after year.

While no one and nothing can ensure absolute protection, there are some things that can minimize risk. Antidetect browsers can provide privacy. Bitbrowser ensures anonymity by spoofing data and customizing the user's digital fingerprint, leaving minimal traces on the web. We can confidently say that the antidetet browser virtually eliminates the possibility of being detected.

Antidetect browser will allow you to open a different account in each tab and use personal digital printing. The spam filter of the resource you are visiting will not be able to identify you as the same user. Cookies will be different for each account and their values will not overlap in any way.

Antidetect browsers have protection against Flash and WebRTC plugins, websites will never know if you are using a proxy, nor can they obtain your browser's characteristics to identify them.

Websites track a large number of parameters. One of the most common ways of obtaining data is through the use of cookies. A cookie is a small text file on your computer that contains information to improve your experience on a particular website.

Browsers load cookies every time you visit a website and use a completely different type of file.

Another way to track individuals on the Internet is through IP addresses. Simply put, an IP address is a set of numbers that identifies a device on the Internet. It can track which online resources you visit, your account and geographic location. Using an anti-detection browser with a proxy, you can also change this parameter.

In this case, the Internet user can be identified exclusively without his knowledge and consent. The notion of anonymity on the Internet offers a sense of freedom, inaccessibility, and impunity that not only seems fictional, but fictional. Therefore, an antidetect browser is a necessity for every user who wants to keep their personal data private.