How Scary is Browser Fingerprinting?

Time: 2023-03-31 11:58 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:

     fingerprint browser

 Imagine you want to identify a person in a crowd: you can do this by listing her attributes and other defining characteristics.

For example, you might describe someone as a woman with long blond hair, a red shirt with a white collar, a gray skirt, black high heels, and red lipstick. With enough attributes, this woman is easy to spot even in a crowd.

The same is true when surfing the Internet. We are in the tracking of browser fingerprints, and things are far more complicated than imagined.

When you visit some specific websites, you will be "passively identified". These identification information, like your fingerprints, almost absolutely locate an individual with an unimaginable degree of accuracy.

Every time you click on the Internet, how long you stay, where you read and watch, you are showing your individuality in an all-round way.Your device, IP, location, and operating habits draw your fingerprints from different angles, leaving you nowhere to hide on the anonymous Internet.

Browser fingerprinting is extremely difficult to avoid without sophisticated tools. Ordinary privacy tricks like using private browsing or incognito mode, clearing your cookies or search history, or using an ad blocker won't stop browser fingerprinting.

Bitbrowser allows users to surf the Internet with confidence. It recreates an independent environment on the original equipment, and users can use this environment to surf the Internet and obtain tourist identities that have never been recorded on any website.

Users can also operate hundreds of platform accounts on a single computer, have browser configuration files, and run independently. You can perform batch operations concurrently under different accounts.