How to choose a fingerprint browser that suits you?

Time: 2023-04-04 13:39 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:


Many websites now make it easy to fingerprint users' browsers to identify them and monitor them in real time, making it nearly impossible to surf the web without being tracked without the right tools.

To protect your privacy, you should use a fingerprint browser, but how do you choose one?

Bit Fingerprint Browser is a great tool for users who want to browse the web as privately as possible. Due to different work needs, people in the following industries need fingerprint browsers.

1. Social Media Marketers

2. Cross-border e-commerce merchants

3. Multi-account management for websites or multi-login users for web games

There are various fingerprint browsers on the market, each with its own characteristics. Those unfamiliar with fingerprint browsers should opt for the full-featured and easy-to-use type. Bit fingerprint browser is suitable for beginners, you can consider the following points:

1. Can I import multiple accounts?

After registering an account, whether it is a single account or multiple accounts, it can be imported and logged in at one time to facilitate subsequent maintenance and management.

2. Is it convenient to operate?

Novices can choose a fingerprint browser with a relatively simple interface and easy operation. It is also important to choose the one that suits you.

3. RPA function

People who need this function are more inclined to multi-account management and account maintenance. Bit Fingerprint Browser has a nice automated way to maintain accounts well, saving a lot of time and labor costs.

4. Team collaboration function

When working in a team, not all fingerprint browsers support functions such as creating sub-accounts, sharing and transferring browser configuration files, etc. to facilitate teamwork.