Summary of commonly used Google SEO tools in 2024 (recommended collection)

Time: 2024-05-17 18:36 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:
Content published on the Internet, no matter how useful and exciting it is to users, if it is not successfully indexed by Google, it will never appear in the search results. It's like a treasure house buried deep underground. Even if there are endless treasures hidden in it, if no one knows its exact location, then these treasures cannot be discovered and used by the world. The index is like the key to the treasure house. Only through this key can the content be discovered in searches and touched and understood by users. If the content is not indexed by Google, it will not be discoverable by those who need it. For Internet professionals, the content they carefully create and publish is just like their brainchild. If it cannot be indexed by Google, all the efforts and efforts may be in vain and it will not be able to realize its due value and significance. If you want to speed up content being indexed by Google, Google SEO tools are an indispensable part of it. This article recommends several common Google SEO tools for you, hoping to help you.

1.Keywords Everywhere plug-in:

The Keywords Everywhere plug-in is an artifact that can be expanded on the browser, and its data source is closely connected to Google's keyword planner. After you install it, you can directly and clearly see various information such as the number of keyword searches, cost per click (CPC), and level of competition on the search engine results page (SERP). Moreover, it will also give you some related keyword suggestions on the right side of the SERP, as well as latent semantic index (LSI) keywords, which can provide you with a lot of inspiration for content creation.

2.Keywords Shitter tool:

Keywords Shitter is a tool that requires you to spend some money. Users only need to put keywords into the search box and click "Generate Keywords", and wow, they will get a lot of keyword suggestions. In addition to showing you the search volume, CPC and competition level of the keyword, it will also score the difficulty of the keyword. Generally speaking, if the score reaches 50 points or higher, it means that the competition is It's quite intense. In addition, this tool will also analyze the TOP 10 pages of SERP, which can provide you with very valuable competitive analysis.

3.Answer The Public tool:

What is different from other keyword tools is that Answer The Public cares more about the issues that users are concerned about. Through it, you can understand users' questions and points of interest about a specific topic or keyword, which can provide you with new perspectives and ideas for creating website content. Those issues that users are concerned about can be regarded as long-tail keywords, which can help you position your target audience more accurately.


SEOquake is basically a must-install software, because the plug-in will show you some basic information about the website when you browse the web, such as the number of internal links, the number of external links, the index number of search engines such as Google, ranking information, and external links. The number of chains, etc., that is to say, after installing this plug-in, some simple information is basically clear at a glance; and if you want to know more detailed information, just click on the corresponding data and you will jump to the specific information details page.

5.Screaming Frog Tool:

Screaming Frog is a fast and powerful website crawler tool. It can quickly crawl the URL of your entire website, and then also analyze the TDK (title, description and keywords), status code, HTTP response, reload, etc. Analyze information such as orientation, file size, number of internal links, and SERP. For those who are engaged in SEO work, Screaming Frog is definitely a powerful assistant for on-page optimization.

6.seo dedicated browser:

Browsers specifically used for SEO have unique fingerprint management capabilities, such as BitBrowser, which can create numerous virtual identities, and each identity corresponds to different browser fingerprint information. In this way, we can simulate the behaviors and preferences of different users, and then have a more comprehensive understanding of the SEO optimization status of our competitors. With this SEO-specific browser, we can also easily switch to various geographical locations to view the SEO optimization strategies implemented by competitors in different regions. As a browser, the SEO dedicated browser is not only a professional SEO tool, but also can integrate the above tools and use them at the same time without conflict with each other, so that one software can have the effect of multiple products, making your SEO work more efficient. Get twice the result with half the effort.


Google SEO tools can help us deeply analyze the performance of the website, such as evaluating the loading speed of the website and whether the page structure is reasonable, so as to make targeted optimization improvements. It can help us accurately determine keywords and understand which keywords have higher search volume and relevance, thereby guiding the direction of content creation and increasing the exposure of content in search results. These tools can also monitor website ranking changes in search engines, allowing us to grasp optimization effects in a timely manner and make corresponding adjustments. Monitoring competitors' marketing strategies through BitBrowser can even help us make decisions on Google SEO. A better solution.