What is Super Browser anti-association defense? Bit fingerpr

Time: 2023-02-03 16:20 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:
super browser
We all know that websites can track and identify visitors. The most common methods include cookie files or looking up the IP address of the application. However, these common methods are easily circumvented because users can block or delete cookies and mask their IP addresses.
Browser fingerprinting is the process of collecting user information through the browser for identification. Browser fingerprinting is more characteristic than general cookie finding. It creates a digital fingerprint when it creates a personal profile for you based on your computer hardware, software, fonts, resolution, etc.
In fact, we usually use the incognito mode of the browser, but it is actually still visible to the platform website. Just like you have an Amazon account on your computer, delete cookies, change your IP, and open a new account, Amazon can still recognize you. Similarly, when you encounter a ban, the account is related because your browser fingerprint has not changed.
The so-called super browser principle is to prevent the user's Cookies, IP address, and client (browser) fingerprints, which is its advantage. The bit fingerprint browser is to combine different IPs and generate fingerprints with one click. While using the bit browser to open multiple windows, it simulates the real machine environment and reduces fingerprint noise. Let the website or platform recognize that it is a real machine operation at the same time, so as to protect the e-commerce seller's store account and the interests of the store from loss. The reason why Bit Super Browser can prevent association is that its main technology is to deeply develop the Google kernel and completely isolate the environment. Make the visited websites achieve a stable effect between mutual visits, and hide real relevant information.