What is an anti-fingerprint browser? What does it do?

Time: 2023-02-09 17:54 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:
anti-fingerprint browsers
Merchants who do cross-border e-commerce should be familiar with fingerprint browser. So what is an anti-fingerprint browser? What good is an anti-fingerprint browser? What are the anti-fingerprint browsers?
What are fingerprints?
To understand anti-fingerprint browsers, you first need to understand fingerprints. The fingerprint here is a browser fingerprint, not a fingerprint in the literal sense. Browser fingerprint identification is a cross-border e-commerce platform to detect whether a user only uses one account, website, user agent, screen resolution, time zone, browser plug-in, browser font and other basic information.
What is an anti-fingerprint browser?
Anti-fingerprint browser is a browser that can change the fingerprint data of the above browsers.
What does the anti-fingerprint browser do?
The biggest use is to prevent account association. The fingerprint of the browser can be changed so that each browser has a different fingerprint, and the cross-border platform does not consider the account to be related when it accesses the information.
What anti-fingerprint browsers are available?
There are many anti-fingerprint browsers on the market, such as Migratory Bird and Multilogin, but the Bitfingerprint browser is the best anti-fingerprint browser on the market. Bitfingerprint browser can create multiple physical separations on the same computer, completely separate cookies from other cached files, keep browser profiles relatively separate, and prevent accounts from being associated with browsers.
The Bit-anti-fingerprint browser can be combined with a proxy to assign an independent IP address to each browser, change fingerprint information such as the time zone, browser language, and font, and simulate mobile phones and computers in different countries and regions. You can also use a terminal browser.
For businesses engaged in cross-border e-commerce, it is OK to use the bit-fingerprint browser for anti-association.