What about anti-association fingerprinting browsers?

Time: 2023-02-11 17:04 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:
anti-association fingerprint browsers
To really understand browser fingerprinting, you need to know what browser fingerprinting is and why you need anti-association. There are many types of anti-association fingerprint browsers on the market, but are anti-association fingerprint browsers really reliable?
What is browser fingerprinting?
We all know that a person's fingerprint is unique, and a browser's fingerprint is also unique. The browser fingerprint is not a single parameter, but a collection of all identifiable parameters in the browser, which can give the browser a unique ID.
In short, the information that can be used to identify a browser is the browser's fingerprint.
Why do you want to prevent association?
Ordinary people do not need to use anti-association fingerprint browsers to surf the Internet. Anti-association fingerprint browsers can also protect user privacy, but they are all anti-association for multiple accounts of cross-border e-commerce.
Cross-border e-commerce sellers want to increase profits and reduce account risks. In order to retain buyers, they need to operate multiple stores at the same time. To improve the shopping experience of buyers, cross-border platforms should prohibit sellers from opening multiple accounts. For example, if the Amazon platform finds that a seller is operating multiple stores at the same time, it will close a store. The funds in the linked PayPal account will also be frozen, causing huge losses to the seller.
Therefore, account anti-association is mandatory for cross-border e-commerce sellers. Anti-association fingerprint browser is a must-have tool.
How about anti-association fingerprint browser?
Proper use of the anti-association fingerprint browser can effectively improve the survival rate of multiple accounts and improve the security of multi-account management.
The bit fingerprint browser disguises itself as a new browser configuration file by changing the fingerprint information of the browser. In short, if you have multiple store accounts, you can create multiple browser profiles and configure modification and spoofing fingerprint parameters for each browser. This not only ensures that the browser fingerprint is different from the original browser fingerprint, but also ensures that the newly generated fingerprint data is even more different.
Use this configuration file to log in to the account, the platform can only retrieve the account, which is the browser fingerprint disguised under your account, but you cannot obtain the real browser fingerprint, so as to achieve the purpose of multi-account anti-association.