How does the bit fingerprint browser implement anti-associat

Time: 2023-02-16 18:05 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:
Amazon’s rules are getting stricter, and this must be a trend, as buyers flock in, sellers who see an opportunity flock to it. Do you know Amazon's 2019 entry data? In 2019, an Amazon account was successfully opened every 2 minutes, which means that Amazon has 260,000 merchants in 2019.
There are conscientious merchants, and there are also unscrupulous merchants. There are always people who like to take advantage of the loopholes and study the rules, so after Amazon has "suffered" many times, the rules are getting stricter, especially for Chinese sellers.
Amazon is still very profitable, at least Amazon can be regarded as one of the mainstream e-commerce companies in the world, because it is the cross-border e-commerce platform with the highest repurchase rate.
How does the bit fingerprint browser implement anti-association?
The bit fingerprint browser puts each account in a small house, so that all IPs, networks, hardware systems, and accounts are isolated. As long as there is no problem when registering, and the subsequent operations are cautious, of course it can achieve anti-management the goal of.
But there are so many fingerprint browsers on the market, how do you know which one is good and which one is bad?
You have to know what you need, the first thing you need is a static IP and a static environment, which allows you to keep the environment unchanged when you move, and then pay attention to whether there is a freeze or other stable factors during the operation, the best choice is Bit fingerprint browser, so as to be guaranteed. Especially on e-commerce platforms and websites, it plays an important role in user fingerprint recognition. One-click generation of stable fingerprints can continuously simulate the operating environment of the real machine, and cookies are not left on the browser website. So that it will not be marked by the website platform or tracked by the third line of advertisements.