What should I do if my Amazon account is linked?

Time: 2023-02-16 18:08 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:
fingerprint browser
There are many sad stories about Amazon account linking on the Internet. As for why the account is linked, let me explain to you below.
          1. Appeal steps for Amazon account being misjudged and associated
         1. Prepare complaint-related materials
         The material list includes: corporate ID card, business license, credit card front and back photos, water, electricity, broadband, natural gas bills (must have business address and name).
         2. Submit the appeal instructions according to the following content structure
          1) First introduce the basic situation of the company
         It mainly includes network environment conditions (whether it is in an e-commerce concentrated area), basic conditions, account login network conditions, interpretation of platform rules, and unrelated situations.
          2) Provide real and unique registration information
         If the actual registration information is "POA", this is very important evidence. For example, business license information, registration information, enterprise information, etc. All store registrations on the same site must be unique.
          3) Explain why and make a commitment
         First, you should answer why the problem occurred, be honest about the reason for the problem, and write down the steps you have taken to resolve the problem at hand. In order to avoid similar problems in the future, the measures must be feasible, and let Amazon see your good-faith reforms as much as possible.
         Under normal circumstances, if the corresponding requirements are met, Amazon's official platform will give a corresponding reply within a week or so. During this process, prohibited items can also be unblocked and transferred to normal sales.
         Of course, if you are actually using multiple accounts, and the Amazon platform has conclusive evidence to prove that these accounts are linked, then even a complaint will not make much sense, and the weight and traffic of the account will be reduced. For sellers , preferably creating a new account.
         Therefore, it is very important to actively prevent account association. There is no nonsense here, and four association skills are provided.
         Two, four steps to prevent account association
         1. Avoid cross-use of account and registration information
         If the seller really needs to register a new account, be sure to use a new email address to prevent account association. New pickup account, new phone number, new credit card, new shipping address, all information must be unique.
          2. Accounts of different sites should also avoid very similar products
         Cross-border e-commerce platforms, whether it is Amazon or eBay, believe that the behavior of multiple accounts selling the same product will undermine the stability of the platform. Consuming very similar products, resulting in a poor shopping experience. Therefore, these platforms do not allow merchants to have multiple accounts.
          3. Use a fixed pure IP
          IP is an important criterion for Amazon to determine whether an account is associated. When determining whether accounts are linked, Amazon bases its determination on two main principles. One is to log in two or more accounts with the same IP, and the other is to log in with one account frequently using different IPs. Violation of these two principles will put your account at a high risk of association.
         So, if you have a dynamic IP with a short lifespan, and the IP address changes frequently, the platform will be busy monitoring it. If the risk of account association is high, the platform may reduce the weight of the account, limit traffic, and ultimately affect store sales.
         Unless your IP address changes every time you log in, and you don't have anyone around you sharing your network, it's equivalent to having a fixed pure IP.
          4. Use a fingerprint browser that can effectively separate
         In addition to IP addresses, browser fingerprinting is an important piece of evidence to determine whether accounts are linked.
         Some people may not understand what browser fingerprinting is. Just as your height, weight, hairstyle, makeup, education, voice, temperament make you unique, your computer, broadband, screen resolution, time zone we use, geographic location, language, font, media device and other information It is also possible to form a unique browser fingerprint, which the platform can use to identify you as a unique user.
         A fingerprint browser is a browser that can generate unique fingerprints through cross-comparison, and is used to generate multiple sets of browser fingerprints. The schema information is the same as using a physical computer to generate multiple virtual computers to access a website. Such a fingerprint browser has a very good anti-association effect.
         Like the bit fingerprint browser I am using, it uses a fixed pure IP. Once you use this IP, it will not be assigned to other users. Don't worry about IP association, and every time you log in, the browser fingerprint will be detected before you log in to ensure security. It can be said that it is a 24-hour online security bodyguard.