Bit fingerprint browser -Amazon anti -associated browser

Time: 2023-02-21 15:08 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:
anti -associated browser
Since April 2022, Amazon has set off a long -lasting "tide of banning." So far, more than 50,000 sellers have been affected. The losses of trees at 100 million -level sales are relatively fierce. About 340 sites that have been blocked or frozen. It is understood that the frozen funds are as high as 130 million yuan. In the title announcement, revenue is expected to fall by about 40%to 60%in the first half of the year. The situation of small and medium -sized sellers is not optimistic. Many sellers have received a warning letter from the platform this year! As soon as you open the background, the Amazon warning letter pops up! From the industry's leading global network application for bankruptcy, to the 13 million -in -order data leakage, large -store stores, etc., all this explains that one thing is that Amazon is becoming more and more stringent, focusing on the platform's compliance control.
Anti -Agang browser is a new choice for many buyers. It can provide an independent environment and independent and safe IP. When the seller operates in multiple shops, each store has an independent operating environment. In this way, it ensures the security of the account and achieve the purpose of preventing associations.
Learning makes people progress, and tools make learning further! Many sellers lack the awareness of tools, and even think that the tools are not important. This is a very wrong concept. To make Amazon requires a lot of tools to support it. It will provide support and support for your store. This is a part that cannot be saved. Browser is a tool for ensuring account security.
What is the role of anti -Zanglang browser?
First of all, it can create a fixed environment for the account, ensure the security of the account from the source, and also have functions such as team management, remote login, and acceleration. You can operate and manage multiple accounts at the same time. When logging in, there will be environmental security verification, and there will be operating logging operations to facilitate risk traceability.
Bit fingerprint browsers can not only provide IP address isolation, but also speed up the efficiency and protect your store!
Bit fingerprint browser IP sources are clear and reliable. Commercial IP, residential IP, IP blacklist filtering. At the same time, the Bit fingerprint browser can isolate the local computer environment, allowing you to manage your account securely in any computer and any network. Safety.