Cross -border e -commerce defense association, how can selle

Time: 2023-02-21 14:58 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:
fingerprint browser
Various Amazon incidents, stores, soaring freights, large companies layoffs, etc. have been widely circulated on the Internet, which scares the existing sellers and scares Xiaobai, who wants to enter the industry.
In reality, there are two opposite groups engaged in cross -border e -commerce.
But if they do business honestly, do not read comments, do not order fake orders, do not do those wasteful things, do business as usual, they will do well.
At present, the consumption power of the European and American markets is online, and the number of suppliers has decreased with the impact of the epidemic on the producer. However, the market has not shrunk, and even released by factors such as epidemic situation, shortage of supplies, and unsafe travel. Not to mention that the major environment is not good every day, you are not those who are destroyed by the environment. The market still has consumption potential. The changes in the environment are fair to everyone. This depends on how you dig business opportunities.
In fact, compared with other e -commerce platforms, Amazon is not much different from other e -commerce platforms. Whether it is from the perspective of sharing the company's operating risks or from the perspective of solving Amazon's limited warehouse. Most sellers believe that multi -account operation and attribution are strategies that must be adopted, including the Amazon account association problem. With the development, e -commerce sellers "gather", and the cross use of dynamic IP also leads to account associations.
Regardless of whether it is multi -account operation or IP cross -use, the account may eventually be connected. A related accounts may have serious consequences, such as products off the shelves, disqualification, and store accounts.
How to avoid the big pit associated with an account?
Amazon account association can do this. What I want to share today is the method of Amazon testing. Judging whether the account is related?
Today, there are more than 6 million sellers on Amazon. It is impossible to manually review this work, so we need a set of algorithm logic to support artificial intelligence work.
First, the platform automatically collects and process merchant information data. Next, we use the AI algorithm to mark each user. If these markers overlap, the AI algorithm directly judges the association of the corresponding account. The elements of the AI algorithm include the following and the following elements:
From the information above, we can summarize a solution to prevent related accounts.
1. Different accounts at the same site must use completely different registration information to prevent connection. The new registered information includes email, mobile phone number, company business license information, legal representative ID card information, receipt account, credit card, etc.
It should be noted that multiple accounts cannot use the same network environment to log in to Amazon background. When registering a new account, different network environments and computer equipment should be used.
2. Multi -account number is different from multiple shop products. Amazon prohibits multiple stores from selling the same product, and the duplicate information rate of the same product cannot exceed 30%. Even if the products of multiple shops are the same, they need to be sold for new and old products.
3. For the device, if you are using a local computer. 3 accounts are equipped with 3 computers and 3 network cables. Dedicated computers+dedicated network cables are the prerequisite for effective isolation. However, as the business scale expands, opening multiple platforms and multiple login accounts in this way will increase equipment and labor costs.
4. In terms of operation, if you are traveling out, you should use remote operations to connect local computers (hotels or homes) and remote computers (office). However, the remote left need to ensure that the office computer is in a state of power, which is easier to stuck.
5. Fingerprint environment+fixed IP perfectly solve the problem of remote office stuck. In addition, team members can log in to their respective accounts at the same time to solve operating problems together. For sellers who need to prevent associations, the Bit fingerprint browser can perfectly solve the comprehensive needs of the seller.