How to prevent the Facebook account from being blocked?

Time: 2023-02-21 11:55 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:
Bit fingerprint browser
Cross -border e -commerce often cannot turn around the topic of Facebook account drainage. As Facebook's website is becoming more and more restricted, it is difficult for users to register with Facebook, especially Chinese users!
But in the final analysis, these issues are related to the security issue of the Facebook account, and the "security" here depends on the network environment and the device environment of login IP.
About login IP
Everyone should know that if you want to successfully log in to your Facebook account, you must first ensure that the IP used by your account is clean and stable. If you have multiple login accounts under one IP, this will increase the number of accounts that are monitored.
After our test, the website will log in to the IP to mark the IP as abnormal. There are several possibilities:
1) IP login in national abnormalities
Suppose a account login with Japanese IP, and then suddenly appears from Colombia IP login. This will be regarded as remote login of the website, which will cancel the account or prompt users to re -verify the identity.
2) Cities with frequent changes in IP login
If the account is logged in in the national environment, such as frequently changing the city a day, the website will also think that the account number is abnormal, because the login area also appears in Los Angeles, Hawaii and Washington at the same time.
3) Switch IP in the same city in one day
It does not include changes in the country and cities, because if your account is switched to different IP sections in the same city within a day, the website will know that the account has abnormal login behavior.
4) IP is reused
When you log in to the Facebook account, you buy agency IP, VPS, etc., but if the agent IP you use is impure, there may be many people logging in, then the website will associate all the accounts under the same IP, which will lead to the account number The risk of being blocked.
About login environment
Facebook has a series of detection mechanisms, users can only register one account, and recently Facebook's account risk control has gradually biased to the account detection method of Amazon and other login environment. The hardware equipment and browser software you use should be a clean and independent login environment.
Some friends said that using the native Google browser on a computer to open multiple Google accounts, just log in to the isolated browser environment, but in fact, the website is to read the fingerprint of the hardware device on the same computer device. Useragent (UA), Canvas, WebGL, WebRTC, Audio and other information and Googlechrome built -in fingerprint information. The changes or repetitive use of these fingerprint information may affect the risk of accounts being blocked and judging suspicious!
Recommend a support team to cooperate here, let you log in to the anti -agent browser software of multiple platform accounts such as Facebook in batches: Bit fingerprint browser
1. Import account cookies. Each cookie environment isolates each other to avoid thinking that the account is associated through cookies
2. Support dynamic automatic matching mainstream IP proxy services (911S5 proxy \ luminati agent \ oxylabs agent)
3. Fingerprint technology of anti -agent browser, each userragent (UA) can change the fingerprint settings settings in the browser environment
4. Team decentralization, set up multi -member management authority, and operate the team according to the user group efficiently managing the team to operate the team
5. Open application center function, support self -use plug -in upload, apply all configurations
Bit fingerprint browser recommends that users use the same device when logging in to the same account. Do not frequently log in to multiple devices at the same time, switch the device and log in. Therefore, by using the bi -fingerprint browser, you can avoid the risks and troubles brought by frequently replacing the account and login device.
Bit fingerprint browser is indeed helpful for solving the Facebook login problem.