How to Keep Multiple Facebook Accounts Safe

Time: 2023-02-25 11:05 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:
BitBrowser Fingerprint
The newly registered Facebook account cannot do many things for us immediately. In order to ensure the normal and safe use of the account, basic operations need to be performed for a period of time after the account is created, which is what we call account maintenance. The main purpose of maintaining account security is to make Facebook It is considered that the account is normal, and there will be no problems such as account ban.
How to keep your account safe
The account must be online for at least 6-8 hours per day for at least one week. It is recommended to use the BitFingerprint browser, which allows multiple accounts to be online at the same time to ensure security.
BitBrowser Fingerprint  is a multi-account management tool dedicated to cross-border e-commerce. It can provide an absolutely isolated, clean and private fingerprint browser environment for online stores and marketing operators, realize multi-account and personnel security operations, and is suitable for various operating systems such as Windows and iOS. It is the best help for enterprises to go overseas.
After registering for a week, you can start to improve some basic information and add some groups, but don't add a lot in a short period of time, and accumulate slowly. You can read more industry-related posts, like and comment appropriately, and post some simple posts. After two weeks, you can try to create your Page and post some great content.
Don't rush to promote products and links. The account will run stably for 2-3 weeks. At this time, you can do some paid publicity so that more people can see you.
Under normal circumstances, it takes about one month for account security, which may be extended according to the actual situation of the account. Please wait patiently. The process of ensuring your account security is not complicated. It's important to use Facebook like a normal user, not a marketer.
Account Security Precautions
Don't log in and out of your account frequently, the account must remain online for a certain amount of time, otherwise Facebook will consider the account a risk and go into safe mode. One person, one browser, one account. Multiple Facebook accounts must pay attention to anti-association, account information, browser environment, IP address must be completely independent and true.
Don't add a lot of unfamiliar friends. Whether it is active or passive, adding a large number of friends in a short period of time will make Facebook suspicious. This is not a good thing. Do not send mass messages, Facebook does not allow mass spamming of users (such as offers and promotional links), it is a form of harassment to users.
Control your own behavior scale, you can do some things during the account security period, but pay attention to controlling the number of times. Control the number of likes on your Facebook page and control the amount of content you post.
Do not post sensitive content. If you post sensitive content such as violence, drugs, pornography, religion, race, your account will be blocked.
Bit fingerprint browser
Bit Fingerprint Browser is a browser specially designed for cross-border e-commerce customers' multi-account marketing management, which can realize multi-platform and multi-account management, social media automation and other functions.
If it is confirmed that the FB account is associated, other accounts will also be affected. The Bit Fingerprint Browser is developed based on the Chrome kernel and deeply cultivates browser fingerprints. It can solve the multi-account access management troubles of cross-border business customers in one stop, and the operation is relatively simple.