How to crack fingerprint browser? Bit browser analysis!

Time: 2023-02-25 11:07 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:
BitBrowser Fingerprint
Bit fingerprint browser, literally, it should be a browser software, but many people don't understand what fingerprint means. So what exactly is a Bit Fingerprint Browser, let me introduce it to us below.
First of all, the bit fingerprint browser can essentially act like a general browser, allowing us to visit other sites. But its main function is to allow us to avoid the search and identification of browser fingerprints, which is why the word "fingerprint" is included in this software.
(1) Browser fingerprint
So what are fingerprints? Is it necessary to identify our finger prints to use it? In fact, the fingerprint here refers to the browser fingerprint, which is the same as the fingerprint of the finger. The principle of the browser fingerprint is also to enter and match personal information.
When we use a browser to access other networks, the browser will collect our network environment information, such as hardware device information, software environment information, and IP network environment, etc., and then form a browser fingerprint and store it in the cloud.
(2) Damage to browser fingerprints
When we browse a web page, the browser will expose the browser fingerprint to the web site, and even the third-party companies behind it, so this is undoubtedly a threat to our information security. Moreover, for those who are engaged in cross-border e-commerce careers, browser fingerprinting is undoubtedly a fatal blow.
Because they often need to open multiple accounts to operate the store, once the browser fingerprint detects that multiple accounts belong to the same network environment and log in, it will be judged that all accounts are related to the same person, and then resulting in the account being blocked.
(3) The role of the bit fingerprint browser
When we use the bit browser fingerprint, if we use a single account to log in, it can simulate a network environment different from the local machine for us, that is, modify or create the above-mentioned browser fingerprint information, so that the information collected by the browser is a fake browser fingerprint.
And when we use multiple accounts to log in, it can also isolate the network environment with different browser fingerprint information for each account, so that the accounts will not be judged as relevant.
Crack Fingerprint Browser
Most of the fingerprint browsers currently on the market need to be used for free, so many people want to crack the technical layer of the fingerprint browser to achieve the goal of free use. There is also another group of people who want to imitate an anti-browser fingerprint plug-in by cracking the fingerprint browser.
In fact, there are currently no open-source fingerprint browsers on major platforms, and it is difficult to crack enterprise-level software projects, and it also involves intellectual property issues, so it is not recommended to crack fingerprint browsers here. But we can better understand and prevent browser fingerprinting through the source code of browser fingerprinting.
Browser fingerprints are based on browsers, so they are naturally related to front-end languages. For example, HTML5 and JavaScript are the front-end technologies that browser fingerprints mainly involve. Here we will take a look at how a function of JavaScript enables the collection of browser fingerprints.
We can see that the browser creates objects such as originalUserAgent (UA) and fakeVersion (system version) in the function through the function function, and then writes objects such as language, platform, and plugins. When we access the browser, the browser's JS file will automatically run and collect our browser fingerprint information.
To sum up, we understand what is a bit fingerprint browser
After using the fingerprint browser, I also know its importance to the security of our cross-border e-commerce professional account. At the same time, there is no so-called cracked version of the fingerprint browser on the market, so if we want to avoid browser fingerprints, we can improve the security of our account. For the safety factor, it is better to set aside a budget to equip a fingerprint browser. After all, there are many fingerprint browsers now, but among the fingerprint browsers, only the bit fingerprint browser is the most cost-effective. Permanently free 10 environments.