What is the focus of anti-association work in cross-border e

Time: 2023-02-25 11:09 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:
 Fingerprint Browser
What are the problems we may encounter in the multi-channel operation of cross-border e-commerce? Among them, we need to pay attention to the prevention related work of multi-account. Maybe some sellers here will ask why we need to operate with multiple accounts?
There are several reasons for cross-border e-commerce multi-channel multi-account operations:
1. Different sites on the same channel, such as opening a store on the Amazon US site, and then opening the Amazon UK site, note that different sites will also be related.
2. Seller account and buyer account. It is normal to have a seller account on Amazon, but it is even more common to have a buyer account. Note that seller accounts and buyer accounts are also related.
3. Multiple accounts on the same channel and site to hijack your own products? In fact, it is to get more display opportunities for your own products.
As a result, there will be a situation of multi-account operation, and there will also be a situation where multiple accounts are judged as relevant by the channel.
Why do these cross-border e-commerce channels not allow multi-account operations?
It's very simple. In order to maintain the shopping experience of buyers, if the stores that buyers get after searching are all products from the same seller, buyers will actually have fewer options, which is not conducive to buyers' shopping of. For this reason, such marked e-commerce channels as Amazon, wish, etc. do not allow sellers to operate with multiple accounts. If they find out, they will correlate several accounts, and the possible results of the correlation are shared in many articles. However, the most serious thing is being banned, and the next serious thing is being removed from the shelves.
So how to prevent cross-border e-commerce multi-channel and multi-store operations? Sellers should pay attention to the following points:
1. When registering, the materials must use different
Every channel requires sellers to register. In the preparation of registration materials, you must prepare different materials, whether it is ID card, business license, mobile phone number, email address, bank card, etc., you must know that once these contents are filled in It will be recorded, and it is easy to find out whether it is related by comparison.
2. There must be differences in account information settings
In the operation of the same seller, many habits are actually the same, such as password setting. In fact, we found that many sellers have their own habits when setting passwords. If you want to operate multiple accounts on cross-border e-commerce, you must Pay attention to the setting of the password, not to be similar, but to be completely different. If you are afraid of forgetting to pay attention to the records, of course there are contact numbers, refund addresses, mobile phone numbers filled in during the second verification, mobile phone numbers left when contacting customer service, etc. Wait, remember that as long as you fill it in, it will be recorded.
3. Operation tools (network, computer)
The network card, modem, router, mac address, and external network ip address used when surfing the Internet are all detected, and not only these, but also the computer system, screen size, and browser system we use when opening a store , typing methods, reading records, etc. can all be seen. In order to do a good job in multi-account defense related work, the best thing to do is to operate with different people, different computers, and different broadband. Of course, such operations are costly, and we can use tools to help, such as ip tools, cloud servers, AdsPower Wait, among them, AdsPower is a multi-store management tool specially created for cross-border e-commerce sellers. Through an independent and clean IP environment, it avoids store-related relationships and easily completes multi-channel and multi-account operations.
4. Product Information
The same seller operating multiple stores will inevitably overlap products. If there are too many duplicate products in the store, the product descriptions and pictures are the same, it is difficult to prevent people from noticing that this is the operation of the same seller. This is to prepare different products for different stores, and sell the products differently, the series sold, and the categories sold. It is best not to exceed 30% of the same products in the store.
5. Using with Fingerprint Browser
        As a common tool in cross-border e-commerce, the fingerprint browser can always avoid multiple accounts on the platform or avoid some platform rules, so as to reduce the losses of sellers and unnecessary losses. The environment and principle of the fingerprint browser are Environmental isolation and continuous simulation of real machine operations to achieve fingerprint purification to prevent account association. As one of the more popular browsers in cross-border e-commerce, Bit Fingerprint Browser can generate pure fingerprints for access with one click, and the instantaneity of deeply hiding and deleting cookies is constantly upgraded and optimized. It guarantees the safety and stability of cross-border e-commerce sellers.
        The focus of cross-border e-commerce multi-channel operation prevention related work is the above five points. Clarifying the above five points can be a good way to prevent multi-account related situations.