How does the anti-association browser prevent Amazon account

Time: 2023-02-27 18:33 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:
anti-association browser
Amazon operators have found that accounts are often blocked during operations, so what are the reasons for the account being blocked?
First of all: official data shows 7 reasons for high-frequency bans.
1. Sell old goods as new
2. Contrary to the product description, received a report from the buyer
3. Selling fake goods
4. Get good reviews
5. Multi-account operation
There are three other things that people don't know about:
1. Product duplication
2. Lead customers to other websites
3. Improper embedding keywords
The above are the seven points that are most likely to be banned by Amazon and the three reasons that are most likely to be overlooked by sellers.
Next, the editor will introduce the reasons for the other six titles.
1. Association leads to title ban
Operating multiple accounts will result in account bans. These are often based on the ip network you use to determine whether it is an associated title. Therefore, if you change your office address, you must contact Amazon customer service and inform them of the reason to avoid being banned.
2. Infringement and Hijacking
Amazon is very strict when it comes to dealing with trademark infringement, so if you want to hijack, you need to know the no-no. If you don't do this, you will lose your wife and lose your army.
3. Fewer positive reviews and more negative reviews
Foreigners don't seem to have the habit of leaving comments, let alone good reviews. Too many bad reviews may lead to revoking your sales rights or even banning your account. If it is a small number of negative reviews and A-to-Z, it really cannot be solved. It is recommended not to get too entangled if it does not affect the ODR exceeding the standard. The key is to find a way to increase the denominator by rushing more orders.
4. Direct consumers to other websites
In order to prevent the account from being blocked, the seller should check the URL in the feedback request panel and exclude links to other websites.
5. The product does not match the picture
In order to improve the conversion rate, we are constantly optimizing the product details. Please be careful not to exaggerate. Write the product description according to the actual situation. The photos uploaded must match the products provided. Otherwise, returns and bad reviews will lead to account bans.
So how to prevent the Amazon account from being associated with the ban?
As an excellent anti-association browser, Bit Fingerprint Browser has helped more than 1,000,000 cross-border users avoid account association problems!
The BitFingerprint browser provides Amazon sellers with numerous unique computers and powerful agents to securely log into all their accounts without interference and prevent association. At the same time, the powerful team sharing function also supports multiple people to operate at the same time, which is very suitable for large-scale operations.