How to prevent multiple account association? Anti-associatio

Time: 2023-03-01 18:24 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:
It is no secret that cross-border e-commerce has multiple accounts. How to prevent account association in the case of multiple accounts is a skill, so today we will talk about multi-account anti-association.
1. Registration and use
What should I pay attention to when registering and using an account? When registering an account for the first time, pay attention to the isolation of the environment, in addition to the computer and other network IPs, also pay attention to isolation. Some sellers are aware of this, and I think it's inevitable that when you sign up, you forget you're in a new environment. The other is qualifications, and all qualifications must be differentiated. And it's better to mark it, so as to avoid that the account will be blocked when there is a problem later.
2. Products
When a product is new, please pay attention: the new time, new product, product picture, product description and title must be distinguished. We recommend working with each account individually and not logging into all accounts at the same time. If you want to log in all accounts at the same time, it is recommended to use the BitFingerprint browser, which can prevent various situations from causing account association. In addition, because the store's business philosophy, update timing, frequency, etc. are the criteria for determining account association, so when planning accounts New plans and business ideas need to be prepared. Different accounts upload different photos, and the best photos have slightly different styles. If you have a lot of products, it's a good idea to launch new or different ones.
3. Logistics
Different logistics information and different delivery addresses are life-saving talismans.
So we can see that multi-account operations are actually differentiated operations. From account registration to frequent shipments and withdrawals, you only need to distinguish accounts.
In addition, the review mechanism of various cross-border e-commerce platforms is becoming more and more strict, and the risk of registering multiple accounts is also increasing. The accounts at hand must be well protected. Please plan well between accounts to avoid account closure due to human error.