Cross-border e-commerce vps or fingerprint browser?

Time: 2023-03-01 18:31 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:
BitFingerprint browser
If you want to understand cross-border vps, you must first understand what vps is.
The full name of vps is "VirtualPrivateServer", which means that after using vps, a virtual private server can log in to multiple cross-border platform accounts through a network cable, which is the function of cross-border vps. But how to ensure the security performance of vps? Today I bring vps instructions to see if vps is suitable for cross-border security.
cross-border vps
Let me talk about the advantages of VPS first. The main advantages of VPS are low cost and high speed. This meets the needs of most sellers. People who have been in contact with the Internet for a long time should understand that if the network speed is too slow or the traffic is limited, the experience will be very bad, so the fast speed can be said to be the biggest advantage of vps.
But vps has two situations. Vps has public vps and independent vps. The public IP is sold to you. If you don’t use this IP, it will be returned and sold to others in the future. This has the risk of IP duplication, because if your IP is used by cross-border sellers, your account is at great risk, but the price of an independent private VPS is very high.
But if you choose cross-border vps, you still need to choose a relatively large service provider, and you can confirm that the IP is not used.
cross-border vps
In addition to the above, you should also know that some service provider vps will add the name of the service provider after the IP. This has been blacklisted by Amazon, so not all cross-border vps are safe.
After reading the above introduction, I believe you already have a good understanding of vps. If you want to find a truly safe cross-border tool, Fingerprint Browser is another choice for modern e-commerce.
It is recommended to use the BitFingerprint browser, a tool specifically for cross-border sellers. It has been used by many people in the market, and it is safe to open multiple accounts. Each account is independent but stable, and deeply hides computer information and geographic location information, especially in cross-border For sellers of e-commerce business, it is a time-saving and labor-saving e-commerce browser that supports opening multiple windows with one click and is independent of each other. Compared with browsers in the same industry, the price is not expensive. The simple operation has been liked and used by many sellers.