What kind of anti-association browser is better?

Time: 2023-03-01 18:33 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:
Anti-association browser
There are many anti-association browsers on the market. Anti-association browsers continue to develop with the popularity of cross-border e-commerce. Initially, in order to avoid account linking, cross-border people began to pull network cables to buy computers to ensure that the information in each account was unique and avoid account linking. Now the development of information is getting faster and faster, cloud storage, cloud computing, and vps have appeared one after another. Many people saw business opportunities and began to use vps to divide their own IP. This method lasted for a while, because vps is indeed much cheaper than a separate network cable, but Amazon's platform monitoring mechanism also found a loophole in vps, so the anti-association of vps is over.
The most widely used anti-association method is to use an anti-association browser. Bit Fingerprint Browser is a secure browser for cross-border e-commerce.
The bit fingerprint browser is aimed at the Amazon association mechanism, which isolates the IPs and environments of different accounts. For example: assign different IPs to different accounts. The IP can be a business IP or a residential IP. It also divides the regional time according to the selected ip region, so it is foolproof. It is also possible to isolate browser cookies. After assigning an IP, an independent environment can be formed on this IP. This is equivalent to a separate computer, and all stores are separate and have different IPs to prevent association.