The secret of multi-account anti-association operation: use

Time: 2023-03-03 18:07 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:
anti-association browsers
You must know that choosing a good anti-association browser is your reliance in cross-border e-commerce. As we all know, cross-border e-commerce has many rules, especially for Chinese merchants. But some rules cannot be circumvented artificially, and some tools can be used to achieve the goal. For example, IP association.
If an IP connection is found, the account will be blocked. This action is irreversible, meaning you cannot appeal your account again, so be careful when avoiding IP associations.
The way to avoid IP association is to pull the network cable and replace it with a new computer. And the modems etc. have to be new, which is stressful for the merchant. This is why anti-association browsers can help. Anti-association browsers were born because of the anti-association rules of foreign e-commerce platforms such as Amazon.
Are anti-association browsers really useful?
An anti-association browser is a browser, but the facts prove that the anti-association browser is much more powerful than a browser. You can set ip, time domain and account language system, so as to achieve the purpose of anti-association.
Bit Fingerprint Browser is a software that allows you to create multiple virtual browser environments. Each browser environment has its own configuration file, with independent cookies, local storage and configurable browser fingerprints, supports multiple IP types, and automatically assigns stable IP addresses in different regions.
The bit fingerprint browser is equivalent to allowing one device to simulate multiple devices, allowing multiple accounts to log in to their respective browser environments, which greatly reduces the risk of multi-account association banning.