Have you chosen the right fingerprint browser?

Time: 2023-03-07 15:20 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:
Fingerprinting browsers
Fingerprinting browsers is a browser feature that is able to tell if a person is using the browser. Just as everyone's fingerprints are different, so are individual browsing habits recorded by different browsers, which is why it's called a fingerprint browser.
The fingerprint browser stores identifiable information and calculates a value, which is the browser fingerprint. Perceivable information includes UA, time zone, geographic location, preferred language, etc. The information selected determines the accuracy of the browser fingerprint. In fact, most of these fingerprints are useful to some merchants, so they are useless to browsers.
But the function of the fingerprint browser is far more than that. Cross-border e-commerce must have heard of anti-association. The fingerprint browser forms different fingerprints through specific configurations and uses them in different accounts, thereby avoiding Amazon's query mechanism. Therefore, the fingerprint browser you choose must have the following Function.
1. Form different fingerprints
2. Information separation between accounts
3. A stable time zone, IP, and language are required.
The BitFingerprint browser allows you to set browser fingerprints to provide an isolated browser environment for each account management, making account association difficult. At the same time, you can also use it to manage any number of accounts without being discovered or banned.