How to prevent association when opening multiple accounts in

Time: 2023-03-11 17:55 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:
fingerprint browser
Many self-media and e-commerce operators have the need to open multiple accounts. You can also open it through settings or some software, but there will always be various problems with the account. In fact, if there's something wrong with the account you're signed in to when you open your browser, it's likely that the accounts are linked.
What is account association
Some websites and platforms limit the number of accounts for each user in order to concentrate traffic on their own websites and increase revenue conversion. The platform personnel obtain various information of the logged-in user through the JS script in the webpage, and judge the real identity of the logged-in user based on this information.
These accounts are determined to be associated by the platform if accounts with the same identity are identified. The lightest is restricting account traffic, etc., and the most serious is banning accounts.
The consequences of this association are unbearable for many self-media and e-commerce groups, so it is very important to open more accounts to prevent association.
How to prevent association
Solving the Lenovo problem is actually very simple, just prescribe the right medicine. The factors that usually lead to account association are various information collected by the platform. As long as we can distinguish this information, we can guarantee the security of your account.
The first is account information, starting with your registration information and continuing through to a section containing your account posts, products linked to your account, or other information. Each account must keep all information separate.
Then there is computer and network information. One person can collect all kinds of account information, but various computers and networks previously required multiple devices and multiple network cables. However, the emergence of fingerprint browsers reversed this situation. Currently, many users who need to open multiple accounts to prevent linking choose to use fingerprint browsers.
The fingerprint browser simulates information from various computers and networks, and can upload the simulated information through the channels through which the platform collects user information, so that it will not be determined as a webpage association.
Fingerprint browser recommendation
Fingerprint browsers have been in development for some time, and now there are different brands. Among them, Bit Fingerprint Browser is the trusted choice of many users.
The bit fingerprint browser was developed earlier, its functions are relatively mature, and its convenience and stability are well received, so it is loved by many people.