What about fingerprint browsers? Can you help with multi-acc

Time: 2023-03-14 16:40 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:

For domestic partners, Amazon has always been a hot cross-border e-commerce platform, and all sellers have equal rights and opportunities to find customers. Some sellers have found better multi-account marketing methods to increase product sales, but whether these actions are intentional or unintentional, they violate Amazon’s relevant terms and conditions. In any case, after the user decides to use multiple accounts for operations, there will be certain risks in the accounts, and in the worst case, it may lead to the banning of the accounts.
Will a merchant with only one account be associated with a ban?
Not necessarily, this can happen to any normal operating seller.
So what is the basis for Amazon to determine the associated account?
When registering an account with Amazon, Amazon's risk control personnel have been monitoring us. This is because every computer has a unique characteristic called a browser fingerprint. Therefore, when you open the Amazon website, the official has recorded your identity. Even if you repeatedly register an account or log in to another account, the official account is clear at a glance.
Also note that Amazon also prohibits accounts based on IP addresses. Even if you run a group of accounts and only log into one at a time, you still run a significant risk of receiving a "red card" from Amazon because they are using the same IP address. In addition, if an account is used by multiple people, there will definitely be inconsistencies in the account history - new devices, new locations, new behavior patterns, etc., which will make the account look suspicious and inevitably get banned.
As mentioned above, IP is another factor that cannot be ignored to prevent account banning. Therefore, if you are logging into your account from home or work, Amazon may recognize your login as suspicious.
How to ensure normal login with multiple accounts?
The BitFingerprint browser allows multiple logins to Amazon using separate browser profiles. Provide independent browsing experience for users with different IPs and different time zones. In this way, the inconsistency between geographical location and IP address can be successfully avoided. It is also very useful for team use, where team members can use separate configuration files to run their own accounts without being bound to the same IP address.
As an Amazon seller, increasing sales and improving product rankings are desirable goals. To do this, use a large number of accounts to add products to your cart and increase your feedback rate, you also need keyword optimization to increase conversion rates and list strength.