How to log into multiple Facebook accounts on the same devic

Time: 2023-03-14 17:17 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:
multiple accounts
Many advertisers who engage in Facebook marketing have a large number of accounts. In order to be able to log in safely on the computer, you need to choose the appropriate auxiliary tool, whether it is a virtual machine or a fingerprint browser, what is the difference between the two, and which one is more convenient and safer?
What is a virtual machine?
In short, a virtual machine just simulates a real PC or platform on which you can run programs that are not native to the operating system. It may require special software or hardware, but at the user level, it basically gives you the same experience as using your own computer, just connecting to a server and using that server with other programs and the entire operating system.
There are two main types of virtual machines. A process virtual machine, also known as an application VM (virtual machine), behaves like a regular application on the host operating system. Create a process when your application starts running and delete it when it ends. In short, it provides a completely self-contained environment in which you can use your programs on any platform. The best example of a process virtual machine is the Wine software that Linux users use to run Windows applications.
The second type is the system virtual machine. A system virtual machine emulates an entire operating system and allows "sitting" in front of a PC that is not normally located elsewhere. It's powered by a server component called a host virtual machine, which allows you to "walk into" a distant PC with a desktop. In short, it works just like Anydesk or Teamviewer, except there is no one occupying it on the other end.
A virtual machine can have multiple accounts, but the operation is much more complicated than the fingerprint browser. You could theoretically manage multiple accounts, but having multiple accounts can be costly and difficult to manage. These tools also require more technical knowledge and are not suitable for beginners.
Advantages of Fingerprint Browser
Take BitFingerprint Browser as an example. Users who use BitFingerprint Browser only need to create an environment on their own computers, and then they can log in to their accounts without any restrictions, and do not need to pay for a single environment. In addition, by using the fingerprint browser, the frequently used environment can be saved, and the used environment can be downloaded even if the device is changed to log in, so as to avoid abnormal login caused by device differences.
Now, as a more scientific and advanced tool, the fingerprint browser has gradually replaced the use of virtual machines. Whether it is cross-border e-commerce or marketing industry, more and more users are using fingerprint browsers to manage multiple accounts.