What is the magic of the fingerprint browser?

Time: 2023-03-20 16:56 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:
fingerprint browser
What is Fingerprint Browser? Everyone is familiar with the word fingerprint, but the fingerprint browser is not.
What is a fingerprint browser?
First of all, this fingerprint is not a punch-in fingerprint at work, nor a fingerprint lock fingerprint! It is a technology that uniquely identifies users without using cookies and other technologies. Browser fingerprinting is more independent and accurate than traditional cookie tracking, and it creates a digital fingerprint based on your computer's hardware, software, add-ons and settings.
A user's screen resolution, installed fonts, and browser choices are all unique to the user, so browser fingerprinting can track information about the user even when the user is using the browser's privacy mode. Therefore, users cannot browse anonymously in incognito mode.
For some special users, such as cross-border e-commerce, advertising and marketing practitioners, the uniqueness of browser fingerprinting is a disadvantage. These users need products that can hide or change their browser fingerprints to avoid tracking. In order to meet these needs, a product called Fingerprint Browser was born. This product can change or hide your browser fingerprint to protect your privacy and security.
Which fingerprint browser would you choose?
Fingerprint browsers can actually be divided into two categories. One is to prevent scripts from getting real fingerprints, and the other is to generate virtual/fake fingerprints to protect user privacy.
For the first type of browser, the more accurate name should be Privacy Protection Browser, not Fingerprint Browser. These browsers are usually free and protect users' privacy by preventing scripts from getting their real fingerprints.
However, such browsers cannot absolutely guarantee that your browser fingerprint has not been tracked. After all, other platforms are not vegetarian. Your anti-fingerprint tracking technology is improving, and other people's fingerprint tracking technology is also improving. This browser is only suitable for a small number of ordinary user accounts.
Bit fingerprint browser:
The Bit Fingerprint Browser is a fingerprint browser developed by Google Kernel, which simulates a browser environment that is more realistic and secure. Protection measures such as data encryption, SSL transmission encryption, and storage encryption are also adopted, and users can also deploy two-factor authentication. This is an account matrix login security management tool, which allows you to change your fingerprint and simulate the behavior of a real browser, allowing you to securely log in to multiple websites and applications on different devices.
The multi-account management function is also very practical. Batch import/export/edit/open accounts can be easily implemented without wasting additional time for manual operations.