How to optimize listing for Amazon novice? What's the trick?

Time: 2023-03-20 17:04 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:

Some sellers on the Amazon platform are experienced sellers, while others are novice sellers with no experience. A very important part of your store is optimizing your product listings. Today I will discuss with you how to optimize listings for Amazon novices.
1. Title and keywords
You should know that Amazon has a character limit on the title, which prevents sellers from entering a large number of product keywords, and SERCHTERM is the most important in the background.
There are still some small details that need attention. For example, the first letter of each word in the title should be capitalized, except for prepositions such as a, the, and, and do not use English numbers when there are Arabic numerals. There are multiple uses, so just say one. Each earphone is suitable for the mobile phone model, and it is enough to mention only one model. Pay attention to the headline and don't mention pricing, discount information or other details.
2. Pictures
If you want to convince people to buy your product, you need to build trust with them and help them overcome their initial objections and concerns.
Unlike brick-and-mortar stores where consumers can touch and feel products, online shopping means consumers don’t have the opportunity to try out products in person, which is where product images come in.
Image optimization can refer to the image design style of Amazon's best-selling products. Clarity and beauty are very important for Amazon's product photography, if you can't get the effect you want after taking the photo, we recommend that you contact the designer directly to request a 3D rendering.
Competition on the Amazon platform is fierce. If your product falls into a saturated category, you should hire a professional photographer to take high-quality, high-resolution product photos. High-quality photos give potential customers confidence in your product.
3. Product Reviews
The best thing you can do as a seller is to provide excellent customer service at every stage of the buying process. This includes contacting customers with order-related questions, sending thank you emails, and following up on receipt of shipments.
The easiest way to get more product reviews from your friends is to take the time to ask them questions. It may seem simple, but many sellers seem to ignore this tactic.
Newbie Amazon sellers need to master several skills to optimize their product listings. Without a great product listing, you can't get quality traffic and generate more orders.
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