What is the core function of fingerprint browser?

Time: 2023-03-22 18:11 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:
What is browser fingerprinting?
In the era of rapid Internet development, cross-border e-commerce and more and more industries have an increasing demand for IP for overseas business, and different IPs are used to complete different tasks. need. This is the growing need of the fingerprint browser market. So what is a fingerprint browser? What are the core functions of a fingerprint browser? Today I will give you a brief introduction to the fingerprint browser.
Before we get into fingerprinting browsers, let's first understand browser fingerprinting. Everyone must have said, "I am stared at by big data all the time." I can say that this is really not a joke. Big data has been "staring" at you. One second you were talking about what you want to buy recently, and the next second you open the shopping software and see that the platform starts recommending related items to you. This is the simplest and clearest meaning of "browser fingerprint".
The device information you usually use online, such as your computer model/system settings/IP address/time zone and other hardware information, as well as common input methods such as the browser we use/commonly used websites/fonts, etc., will be recorded by the browser we use This is why we can accurately push big data.
For cross-border independent website merchants, browser fingerprinting is a very important thing to pay attention to, because cross-border e-commerce users often use multiple accounts when opening a store, when the platform detects that multiple accounts are on the same computer Sometimes, when you surf the Internet, you will judge that these accounts are related, and the title is inevitable.
The core function of fingerprint browser
According to the browser fingerprint hazards mentioned above, we know that the role of the fingerprint browser is of course to prevent browser fingerprint tracking and protect your online privacy and account security. There are many kinds of fingerprint browsers on the market at present, which one to choose, you need to compare the functions and prices by yourself.
Their core functions are essentially inseparable from the following points:
1. The most important function of the fingerprint browser is to disguise your browser. That is, modify the user's browser environment, cookies, IP and other browser fingerprint parameters to prevent the leakage of the user's real browser fingerprint, protect the user's browser fingerprint information, and prevent the user from being illegally accessed. Your account is unusual because it is being tracked using your browser fingerprint.
2. The fingerprint browser can deceive and change the fingerprint of the browser, which can fully protect the security of the account and prevent the association between multiple accounts of the user. The fingerprint browser allows users to open more browser pages and equip web pages with a virtual browser environment. Do not interfere with each other and are independent of each other. Directly open multiple browsers and log in with multiple accounts, which can improve work efficiency and reduce costs.
After seeing this, everyone should have a preliminary understanding of the principle of the fingerprint browser. At present, the domestically produced bit fingerprint browser is very good and has comprehensive functions. I recommend everyone to use it.