How about bit fingerprint browser anti-association?

Time: 2023-03-22 18:13 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:
BitFingerprint browser
The most concerned issue of many cross-border e-commerce sellers is multi-account association. Presumably, many sellers have put a lot of effort into choosing vps servers and fingerprint browsers or anti-association browsers to prevent account associations. If you are an e-commerce seller and have multiple accounts, it is recommended to use a bit fingerprint browser to prevent associations!
Bit Fingerprint Browser is an anti-association browser that allows you to create multiple independent browser environments, and centralize your social media, advertising marketing, e-commerce platforms, independent accounts, multi-platform and multi-account batch management, and solve multiple problems. Account association is a multi-account security protection tool for sellers.
The BitFingerprint browser sets different browser fingerprints for different accounts, just like you use different computers and broadband. Creating a browser configuration file in the BitFingerprint browser is equivalent to establishing an independent virtual browser environment. Cookies, local storage, and other cache files of each browser file are completely independent, and browser configuration files cannot leak information from each other, which prevents account association and protects account security. According to the feedback from sellers who use BitFingerprint Browser, BitFingerprint Browser is still very practical, especially the collective login management of multiple accounts is very practical, and the account security measures are also very good. If you are a cross-border e-commerce seller, we recommend you to use it Bit Fingerprint Browser.
Many users feel that the BitFingerprint browser is so easy to use, the price must be high. The bit fingerprint browser is actually not expensive, and the price/performance ratio is quite high.
The bit fingerprint browser is still very effective. Finally, when choosing an anti-association browser, we recommend that sellers do more comparisons, and it is very important to choose a browser that suits them.