What is Fingerprint Browser? Can it be used to solve the pro

Time: 2023-03-22 18:21 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:
multi-account anti-association
Speaking of fingerprint browser, many cross-border e-commerce companies must be familiar with it, but many friends do not know that fingerprint browser is also a very useful advertising tool! why? Today, let’s talk about why the fingerprint browser is suitable for advertising and advertising marketing, and how it can help marketers complete their daily management work.
What is advertising?
Ad placement is a form of online advertising in which marketers bid for the right to advertise to a specific audience on a specific network or platform. Your online ads are more likely to reach your target audience because the platform's algorithms search for specific items and identify people with specific interests and behaviors.
What is a fingerprint browser?
Why do people in cross-border e-commerce, social media marketing, advertising and other industries love to use fingerprint browsers? Because for those who need to log in with multiple accounts, the fingerprint browser is simply a lifesaver!
The main function of the fingerprint browser is to create multiple browser environments and provide different account security logins. All created browser environments are secure and isolated from each other, so websites cannot detect multiple accounts with the same browser fingerprint. Of course, no account linking takes place.
What role does the fingerprint browser play in advertising?
There is no one way to ensure successful delivery, but there are many strategies worth trying. In particular, the more exposure your product or service has, the more likely you are to convert. Therefore, many people wish to increase their chances of receiving advertisements by using multiple advertising accounts.
Note that while this algorithm is useful for advertising, it can also be used to identify multiple accounts. Only by addressing account security issues will our advertising campaigns be successful as planned.
Therefore, the most useful function of the fingerprint browser for people in the advertising industry is multi-account anti-association. Represented by the bit fingerprint browser, by simulating the browser hardware configuration file, it replaces the multitasking browser on multiple computers to realize the fingerprint protection function of the browser, and each fingerprint browser is isolated from each other. Each browser configuration file is a different computer, combined with switching IPs in different regions, it can be seen that we can log in to advertising accounts on different platforms.
In addition to multi-account anti-association, domestic users will face the following problems when placing advertisements abroad:
1. Domestic networks cannot access advertising platforms such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter.
2. There are many accounts, many IPs, switching is difficult, and reconnection is slow and cumbersome.
3. Most of the agency operations adopt a modular operation, serving multiple users at the same time, and cannot carry out customized publicity according to product characteristics. Misoperation may lead to the account being blocked and causing losses.
For the above problems, the bit fingerprint browser can solve them one by one, which is why the bit fingerprint browser is becoming more and more popular. Bit Fingerprint Browser allows you to securely log in from the country of your choice using a combination of commercial proxies, so you can advertise from multiple ad accounts without getting banned.
It also allows multiple media accounts to run simultaneously and collaborate as a team, increasing efficiency and saving marketers a lot of time and money.