What are the advantages of Fingerprint Browser?

Time: 2023-03-24 18:14 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:
anti-association browser
With the rapid development of the e-commerce industry, more and more people have begun to set foot in the e-commerce platform. As an e-commerce platform seller, anti-association browser is a very important job. This is because if a seller uses the same browser to log in to multiple stores, it will cause association and be blocked by the platform. Therefore, how to choose an anti-association browser is a problem that sellers need to consider.
First of all, a good anti-association browser should support multi-store management, because it has become a trend for sellers to open multiple stores. However, logging into each store separately using multiple browsers can be tedious. Therefore, a good anti-association browser should support multi-store management. The same browser can log in to multiple stores, which is convenient for sellers to manage. Some platforms use IP addresses, device fingerprints, etc. to identify whether merchants are associated. If the browser does not have the anti-association function, even if the merchant uses a different account and password to log in, it will still be recognized by the platform.
Therefore, a good anti-association browser should have platform anti-association capabilities to avoid being blocked by the platform. Finally, a good anti-association browser should support remote login to multiple stores. Some merchants may need to log in to stores in multiple locations. If your browser does not support remote login, it will be very inconvenient.
So a good anti-association browser should support logging in to multiple off-site stores, allowing sellers to manage their own off-site stores. Therefore, anti-association browsers are very important for merchants. A good anti-association browser should support multi-store management, platform anti-association, remote login to multiple stores and other functions. If sellers choose a suitable anti-association browser, they can bypass platform bans and manage their stores better. Bit fingerprint browser is a good choice!