Browser Fingerprint Anti-Tracking Technology

Time: 2023-03-31 14:36 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:
browser fingerprint

To understand how to anti-browser fingerprinting, first we need to know what browser fingerprinting is. Digital fingerprints were originally developed by banks to prevent online fraud. Companies now use the technology to track your internet usage and can be used to identify you.
Let me give you an example: You browsed a certain product on the website and learned about related product information, but did not place an order to buy it. You don’t even log in, but a few days later, when you open a similar website on the same computer, it recommends similar ads you’ve seen before.
Everything you do on your browser leaves a unique fingerprint on it. In today's era of big data, no one wants their information to be collected too much. So what can be done to prevent fingerprints from being traced?
How unique your browser fingerprint is depends primarily on how unique your system and browser properties and settings are. Browser fingerprinting doesn't work when browsers aren't unique.
So how to prevent browser fingerprinting from being tracked?
1. Disable JavaScript
JavaScript is a front-end scripting language that can be used to make websites responsive and provide a better user experience. However, they are the main tool that sites use to obtain browser fingerprinting information. If JavaScript is disabled, sites will not be able to create browser fingerprints.
2. Use a privacy-conscious browser
Major browsers are not very good at protecting your data. However, Bitbrowser opens multiple browser windows and matches the proxy ip so that there is no correlation between the windows, thereby deceiving the target website to obtain false information.
With Bitbrowser, whether you are conducting e-commerce operations or logging in to social media accounts, you can maintain the stability of your login area, and can match the corresponding time zone, language, longitude and latitude based on your login area.