Fingerprint browser protects personal privacy

Time: 2023-04-12 13:58 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:
fingerprint browser
Today, with the rapid development of information technology, people's life has become more and more convenient due to the development of science and technology. Many things can be done directly on the Internet, but they have pros and cons, but the traces we leave online cannot be erased. Technology has allowed us to obtain personal information and even home addresses, and many people make a living selling personal information.
Many people may say that the browser has its own privacy mode, just turn it on. is this real? I am here to tell you solemnly that this is just a cover for the browser company, it can get the information it deserves, and the privacy mode cannot completely hide user information.
At best, someone using this computer can't see your browser history, but it doesn't fully protect our privacy.
How to prevent my privacy from being leaked, the BitBrowser can do it. Bit fingerprint browser can create multiple pieces of information on one computer, and generate safe and independent fingerprint information of virtual user information according to the information set by yourself, which can make the browsing environment safe and stable and keep user information hidden. Therefore, websites and platforms cannot detect your actual user information, thereby not revealing our privacy.
Bitfingerprint browser provides a wide range of services, mainly providing cross-border e-commerce. The privacy of each browser you create can be well protected, and information will not be leaked. As long as you have account problems, it can solve all your problems, and the security is much higher than other similar products.