Secure Fingerprint Browser—BitBrowser

Time: 2023-04-12 15:01 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:
Bit Fingerprint Browser
With the continuous development of the Internet, more and more people are beginning to realize the importance of network security. Especially in modern society, the Internet is inseparable, and the demand for network security is increasing. In order to meet people's needs for safe browsing, many fingerprint safe browsers have appeared on the market.
Bit fingerprint browser
Bit Fingerprint Browser is the world's leading anti-association browser. It simulates the browser software and hardware fingerprint information of various devices through virtual browser fingerprint technology, and provides differentiated fingerprint information for each account. You can set the login environment to avoid the problem that the account is associated with the same platform network account due to the same browser fingerprint. Bit fingerprint browser can set independent fingerprint parameters through an open browser environment, including system time zone, default language, UserAgent, font, resolution and other parameters, and supports WebGL, WebRTC, media device fingerprints, PepperFlash, etc. You can also change the details for simulating multiple desktop operating systems and mobile devices such as cell phones. At the same time, the bit fingerprint browser can generate and open multiple anti-association browsers on the same computer at the same time, which greatly improves the ability of multi-platform and multi-account. In short, Bit Fingerprint Browser is a secure browser based on fingerprint browser technology, which can set independent fingerprint parameters and login environment for each account, effectively preventing network account association and privacy leakage. So what are the characteristics and advantages of Bit Fingerprint Browser?
First of all, the bit fingerprint browser has a powerful fingerprint separation function. Multiple anti-association browsers can be generated on the same computer at the same time, and the fingerprint data, cookies, local storage and other cache files of each browser are completely isolated, without affecting the login environment of each account. This powerful isolation function can effectively avoid problems associated with platform accounts.
Secondly, the bit fingerprint browser has advanced customization functions. Independent fingerprint parameters can be set for different accounts, including system time zone, default language, UserAgent, font, resolution and other parameters. Additionally, you can change details such as WebGL, WebRTC, Media Device Fingerprint, PepperFlash to simulate many different desktop interactions. We use mobile devices such as systems and mobile phones to create an independent login environment for each account to protect account privacy and security.
Finally, BitFingerprint Browser has a convenient and efficient multi-account management function. Multiple anti-association browsers can be generated on the same computer at the same time, which greatly improves the efficiency of batch management of multiple platforms and multiple accounts. In addition, the BitFingerprint browser also provides a series of practical functions such as auto-fill, multi-tab, shortcut keys, etc., to make the user's browsing experience smoother and more efficient.