How Bit Anti-Detection Browser Solution Works

Time: 2023-04-17 11:35 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:
anti-detection browser
The biggest feature of the anti-detection browser is that the account is logged into the same computer, and there is no association between different accounts. It is also called an anti-association browser.
Anti-detection browser requirements suitable for cross-border e-commerce are fingerprint environment and independent IP, both of which are indispensable.
The fingerprint recognition environment mainly refers to browser fingerprint information set by the browser, including fonts, WebRTC, hardware acceleration, Canvas, WebGL, AudioContext, SpeechVoices, media devices, CPU parameters, memory parameters, browser cookies and other types of device information. The comparison generates a unique browser fingerprint, which is used to distinguish and separate the network environment information of different accounts. Each environment set by the fingerprint browser is an independent individual. If you use the fingerprint browser to log in to multiple accounts on the same website, the account information read by the platform will be completely different, and the accounts will not affect each other.
The anti-detection browser uses an independent IP, and one account corresponds to one IP. The so-called independent IP means that the virtual host has an independent IP address, and independence means that it will not be disturbed. Specifically, only through the exclusive use of the sending IP can the authenticity of the sending domain name and IP be guaranteed, without interference from other users. Another benefit of using dedicated IPs is that they are more pure, because if the IP is polluted, it will lead to account linking.
After using the fingerprint environment + independent IP, it is the same as using an independent computer. All stores are independent and have different IPs to prevent association.
Each anti-detection browser has many differences in terms of price, function, number of users, word-of-mouth evaluation, etc. Therefore, in the selection process, it is necessary to make an in-depth comparison and choose a suitable fingerprint browser. Generally speaking, the BitFingerprint browser is still very good. The fingerprint environment has a high security factor, the IP is pure, and the account security does not matter. It supports the use of multiple cross-border e-commerce platforms. It can generate different fingerprint information with one click, which is quiet but pure and can generate different simulated environments to visit some websites or platforms, preventing association and tracking identification. The effect is still worth choosing.