Anti-detection browser seo: difference between yandex and google

Time: 2023-09-11 09:49 Author: BitBrowser Click:
In the SEO industry, everything is changing rapidly: search engines used to improve their algorithms, guidelines and interfaces, now they usually embed neural networks into the search, process the data in the search results, and display ready-made answers to the user's request. We based our anti-detection browser tests on the interest of business owners and marketers who understand the relationship between Yandex and Google today and the fundamental components that affect search engine promotion. In particular, the quality of content and website, links from third-party resources, local search results and adaptation for mobile devices.
1. Content Factors
Google and Yandex are two growing search engines that are increasingly focusing on the usefulness of content and the usability of search results. Google showed off its generative AI interface, while Yandex launched a new version of its search engine focused on describing context and meeting user needs. Search using AI will not become commercialized, nor will SEO promotion be more difficult. Source links are still there, and question answers are still additional features, not primary. The system is moving towards focusing on the usefulness and convenience of content as well as the quality, trustworthiness, expertise and reliability of the website.
2. Link Quality
It is generally believed that in Google, website links from other resources have a major impact on rankings, and for domestic search engines, what is more important is the behavior of website visitors and the release of business information. While the leaked Yandex code is only part of it, it is clear that the Russian search engine takes into account many link-related parameters.
Because the leaked code only includes part of the search engine code, we cannot accurately assess how much the link plays in determining the position in the search results. However, this once again confirms the importance of taking a comprehensive approach in SEO: focusing on the key things of promotion.
Some specific parameters of the link profiles that Yandex focuses on are also already known. These parameters include the total number of links pointing to the site, the number of links from the site's home page, the dynamics of link growth (not just the naturalness of the growth, but also the continuity), the age of the links, their quality, and the anchor point (hyperlink text) categories and the use of search queries therein, especially in precise entries.
Considering that at the end of 2022, the search engine announced that it will have evaluators evaluating link sources, we can say that high-quality links from relevant to your topic are becoming more and more important to place in brand-related articles.
3. Description
Page titles and descriptions for the Google search interface are relatively short, with an average length of 70 characters and 140 characters. In Yandex, the average length of a page title is 80 characters, and the description is 170 characters. If you don't write a description, search engines will automatically choose a relevant snippet of the page's text as the description. However, usually this automatically generated page description is not engaging to users, and they are less likely to go to your site through search. So, in order to attract your target audience, not only do you need to write meta tags for SEO, but you also need to write compelling titles and descriptions.
4. Optimization scheme
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Search engines take different approaches when georeferencing resource pages. Yandex focuses on subdomains optimized for specific regions and the presence or absence of address information in promoted regions. Google, on the other hand, does georeferencing by assigning country capitals (such as Moscow, Russian Federation) to search results. For an area page to appear in local search results, the address must be specified on the website and in Google My Business.
So, on Google, subfolders on a multi-regional website can easily be promoted in different geographic locations. On Yandex, however, sites on subdomains are treated as separate sites. Since subdomains are considered independent, they do not inherit any of the SEO metrics of the main site, and thus require local links from scratch for regional promotion in Google. Actually, subfolders are part of the website, so incoming links to the website belong to them as well, but subdomains are considered separate websites, so they need to be promoted regionally on Google by getting local links.
Even the most basic differences in search engine approaches are not so obvious that SEO promotion needs to be "adapted" to a particular search engine. Although some minor differences exist, we do not cover them in this article because their impact on promotion is not significant. For example, while neither search engine likes a lot of ads, Yandex prefers sites that belong to its ad network. However, placing a YAN block on a resource has no effect in terms of processing content or building link quality.
With both search engines holding significant market share, the best SEO promotion strategy is one that focuses on satisfying the needs of both. This is actually very convenient in practice also when having multiple ad accounts in online marketing via anti-detection browsers to increase the chances of similar placements appearing when bidding. Bit Browser Anti-Browser Detection creates hundreds of virtual browser profiles on a single device and configures unique and native fingerprints in each profile so that each account appears to be a real and independent device.