How to maintain a Facebook account? The best Facebook account maintenance plan, with anti-blocking measures

Time: 2024-07-27 17:26 Author: BitBrowser Click:
Recently, many cross-border e-commerce practitioners have complained to us that their Facebook accounts have been blocked. The reasons behind this are complex and varied, such as the instability of the account itself and the low level of fan interaction. In order to help your Facebook account to be stable and long-lasting, here is a unique account maintenance secret for you.

Facebook new account registration: key points and notes


Name: Choose a name that is closely related to your business or personal characteristics, and make sure the information is true and consistent.
Contact information: Use a mobile phone number or email address that has never been associated with other accounts to register, so as to build a solid security line for the account.
Password: Set a difficult password that combines uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and special symbols to make the account impregnable.
Personal information: Accurately fill in basic information such as birthday and gender, which is very helpful for account verification and social interactions.
Avatar and cover: Choose a clear and positive real-life photo as an avatar, and use a cover picture that fits the business or personal image.


Make sure the information is authentic and reliable, and do not use false information.
Do not use the same mobile phone number and email address repeatedly in multiple accounts.
Turn on two-factor authentication to enhance the security of your account.
Update personal information and dynamics on time to keep your account active.

How to maintain a Facebook account?


Initial maintenance: After completing registration, do not rush to carry out a large number of operations. You may as well familiarize yourself with the platform environment by browsing, liking, following, etc., to increase the activity of your account.
Content planning: Push valuable content, such as sharing of daily life, the latest industry trends, etc. Avoid publishing advertisements or worthless information.
Enhance interaction: Actively communicate and interact with fans, reply to comments, private messages, etc., to raise the level of interaction of the account.
Tool application: Consider using professional social media management tools, such as Hootsuite, Buffer, etc., to manage multiple accounts more effectively.
Follow the rules: Follow Facebook's community rules and policies meticulously to prevent illegal operations from causing the account to be blocked.

Reasons for Facebook account blocking and prevention measures



1. Eliminate account crisis caused by IP sharing

On the Facebook platform, it is strictly forbidden to use the same IP address to register and log in to multiple accounts. The consequences of this practice are extremely serious. Not only will previously registered accounts be blocked, but even newly registered accounts will be in trouble. Many new users are facing the risk of being blocked shortly after registering their accounts because they are not aware of this rule. Moreover, even if different mobile phone numbers and email addresses are used to register, if the browser's fingerprint information remains unchanged, Facebook can still detect the connection between accounts.
To avoid such risks, it is recommended to use professional tools such as BitBrowser. BitBrowser has excellent fingerprint management functions, which can set fingerprint information such as time zone, default language, User Agent, etc. for each browser window, making each account look as if it comes from a different device and network environment, successfully avoiding the risk of association between accounts.

2. Be careful with the problem of multiple device logins

When logging into a Facebook account on multiple devices at the same time, if the login addresses are different or the login devices are changed frequently, it is possible to trigger Facebook's security mechanism and cause the account to be blocked. In addition, if multiple people share the same account and frequently change IP addresses, the possibility of the account being blocked will be greatly increased.
To resolve this problem, the multi-account and multi-window functions of BitBrowser are a powerful helper. It allows users to log in to multiple Facebook accounts on the same device at the same time, and each window has unique fingerprint information, which effectively avoids the risk of association between accounts. In addition, the employee management function of BitBrowser can also set permissions for different users, which is convenient for account management and collaboration within the team.

3. The key significance of real identity information

When registering an account on Facebook, it is essential to provide real identity information. Fabricating or stealing other people's information not only violates the platform's regulations, but once it is discovered, the account will inevitably face the end of being blocked. Therefore, it is recommended that users must provide real and valid identity information when registering, so that they can successfully retrieve it when there is a problem with the account.

4. Be careful with newly registered accounts

Newly registered Facebook accounts need to be extra careful in the initial stage. Immediately after registration, bulk following, group messaging, frequent adding of friends, etc., may arouse the system's vigilance and lead to account blocking. In order to increase the weight of new accounts, it is recommended that users maintain their accounts within a week after registering new accounts, such as logging in every day to browse, like, comment, etc., but pay attention to controlling the frequency to avoid triggering the system's security mechanism too frequently.

5. Strictly abide by community standards and advertising policies

Facebook has a set of strict community standards and advertising policies, the purpose of which is to maintain the good order of the platform and the user experience. Any behavior that violates these regulations may lead to account blocking. Therefore, when users publish content or conduct advertising promotion, they must ensure that the content is true and legal, and strictly abide by Facebook's relevant regulations. If the account is unfortunately blocked, users can fight for themselves through the appeal process, provide true and accurate information, explain the specific situation in detail, and ensure that the error is corrected. In the process of appeal, writing a letter of appeal directly to the Facebook administrator is also an effective method to increase the priority of processing.


Maintaining a Facebook account is a long and persistent journey. Following the above guidelines and strategies, you can enhance the stability, engagement and security of your account. At the same time, please also pay attention to comply with Facebook's policies and community standards to ensure that your account can operate stably for a long time. BitBrowser can avoid Facebook account problems through IP and browser fingerprint. Download BitBrowser now and get 10 permanent free windows immediately.